Chapter 3 ~ Father Figure

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23rd of March 1795

~William's pov~

"Do you know a name named Samuel Seabury?" I felt a tap on my shoulder and my eyes met with the blue ones of the Prince. I flinched away slightly and looked at him oddly. "Yes..." I awkwardly replied. The Prince's face lit up and he grabbed my other shoulder excitedly. "So you know where he lives?" He smiled excitedly.

I nodded and he pulled out a piece of paper. "Can you show me what classes you have?" He smiled. I gave him a glaring look but then saw Mr Lewis glaring at me. "Sure," I replied and I pulled out my timetable. The Prince looked over it and he smiled. "We have every class together!" He smiled excitedly. Mr Lewis came up behind him and grinned. "Well, Prince Frederick, what a coincidence, maybe Mr Seabury here could help you today?" Mr Lewis's hazel eyes glared at me and I nodded profusely.

The prince grabbed my hand and he shook it excitedly. "Thank you so much!" I nodded and Mr Lewis walked away giving me one last glare.

I stood still for a moment and the prince smiled. "Nice to meet you, by the way, the names Prince Frederick of Wales, son of King George III and Y/N L/N and heir to the throne of Great Britain ." He grinned. I looked at him annoyed and pat his shoulder, "Well 'Frederick' my name is William Fredrick Seabury. Son of Samuel and Ella Seabury." I mocked him.

Frederick's eyes glanced sideways and a wave of awkwardness flushed over him. I gave him another judging look and rubbed my temple. "Well, I guess I'll be your guide then. Now come on let's eat, I'm starving." I spoke and Frederick nodded following me into the courtyard. "Hanna! Felix!" I called out and the pair turned to me smiling. I sat down next to them, under the shady tree and Frederick squatted slightly. "You wanna sit down." I gave him a weird look. He smiled awkwardly and he sat down on the dirt with a look of slight despair. "My Father's going to kill me." He mumbled slightly as Hanna, Felix and I looked at him oddly. He saw us staring at him and he grinned awkwardly.

"Nice to meet you I'm Prince Frederick of-" I cut him off and Hanna smiled. "Hanna Steiner." Frederick grinned and Felix smiled as well, "Felix Beilschmidt." Frederick grinned and he smiled.

"You both must be German then, my father's German too." Frederick awkwardly beamed. I looked at him oddly and held my sandwich. "Your father's German? Isn't he the King of England?" I questioned. Frederick awkwardly froze and chuckled slightly, "Ahh, it's complicated." He smiled. I gave him a glare and he looked out at the grass.

"I honestly don't even know if he is my father..." Frederick mumbled and I took a bite of my sandwich. Hanna and Felix looked at him curiously and his stomach rumbled. He flushed red and he chuckled awkwardly. I rolled my eyes and looked behind him to see Mr Lewis standing a far giving me a glaring grin. I sighed and pulled out a sandwich, handing it to Frederick. "Here." His blue eyes looked at me joyfully and he gently grabbed the sandwich.

"Thank you so much." He smiled politely. I nodded and scoffed laughing at his posh like accent. I then took a bite of my sandwich and looked around.

The bell then rung and I stood up dusting the dirt from my pants. Frederick did the same and he smiled looking to me for directions. I looked down at Hanna and Felix and then back at Frederick. I pointed ahead swinging my messenger bag over my

"Well then Your Highness, let's go."

~Later that day~

I stood awkwardly against a pole and waited for Frederick to escape the onslaught of Fangirls. I chuckled as he managed to push through them. "You okay?" I glanced at him. Frederick sighed and he smiled awkwardly. "I don't understand why they all like me?" He confusingly spoke.

I glared at him, "You're a prince! Isn't that obvious!" I yelled. Frederick flinched slightly and he tapped his fingers together. "I guess..." he glanced sideways and I rolled my eyes. "Well Prince Charming, if you really want to meet my father we better get going," I explained. Frederick nodded and I started to walk. Frederick followed behind me and I walked to the fringe gate.

"Will!" I turned my head and saw Hanna and Felix waving. I waved back and the grinned. I then turned my head back and started to walk out of school. "You have nice friends." Frederick smiled. I turned and looked at him, "Yeah they are cool, but they're the only friends I really got." I mumbled. Frederick smiled slightly again and he placed his hand on my shoulder. "We can be friends." He spoke.

My mouth creased slightly and Frederick grinned awkwardly. "Sure," I replied and he excitedly walked up next to me. "So where is your house?" He questioned. I looked at him and pointed up ahead. "Just pass the bridge."

Fredrick grinned and we both walked towards the bridge. "It's really nice, it reminds me of home." Frederick gawked at the water. I smiled slightly and chuckled walking ahead. "Come on Your Highness, my dad should be home soon," I shouted and he quickly skidded up to me. "Are you close with your Father?"Frederick questioned. I looked ahead and looked at him, "Yeah we both get along, I look up to him a lot." I replied.

Fredrick chuckled awkwardly and I looked at him. "How about you and your Father?" I questioned. Frederick glanced sideways awkwardly and I looked at him stepping up to the door. "Well, I guess we're okay but-" I cut him off and I opened the door. "Yeah?" I looked at him. Frederick shook his head awkwardly and smiled, "N-Nothing." I rolled my eyes and I walked inside.

"Hello!?" I called out. Frederick took off his shoes and the sound of footsteps echoed. "Yes?" Ben smiled and Oliver followed behind him. I looked at them oddly, "What are you two doing here?" I folded my arms. Oliver looked at me and smiled, "For your information, your father left me in charge until he got back." I glared at Oliver and Ben looked over at Frederick frightened.

"Who's that?" He asked nervously. I looked at Frederick and grinned, "Prince Frederick, the one visiting our school. He wanted to meet dad." I explained. Ben looked at me awkwardly and he shoved us into the kitchen. Frederick sat down awkwardly at the table. Oliver sat down and he glared at me. "Make sure the rascal doesn't escape." I looked at Oliver confused. "What do you mean?" I questioned. Oliver stayed silent and there was a knock on the door. I quickly got up and out of my chair and ran to the door.

"Dad!" I opened it and my father, mother and sister were smiling. "What's wrong Will?" My mother smiled. I ignored them and dragged them into the kitchen. My father looked down at Frederick and he looked at me.

I glanced sideways and Frederick walked up to my father. I looked at him awkwardly and my father smiled. "You look a lot like George, Frederick." Frederick looked at him confused and My father gestured for him to sit down. "So then what does the heir to Great Britain have business with me." He smiled. Frederick awkwardly smiled and he sat down facing my father.

"Well speaking of fathers I have something to tell you." Frederick looked at his hands and the rest of us peered at him. My father looked at him and smiled, "Ok then what is it?" Frederick took in a deep breath and I gazed over at Oliver. Frederick moved closer and his blue eyes shone.

"Mr Seabury, I think you are my father."

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