Chapter 28 ~ Death To Crown

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22nd of June 1795

~William's pov~

The gentle salty breeze from the nearby sea brushed past my face. Felix, Hanna, Kayla and I were all together fishing on the edge of the pier. Being summer it was quite relaxing, catching small fish and talking about the simple things in life.

"I wish Anne was here." Felix tossed his line out and I looked at him. "Really?" I glanced at him. Felix sighed and Hanna giggled splashing her feet in the water below. "Felix, I think this is the reason we can't take you seriously, you depend on the worst people," Hanna remarked.

Felix turned around and scoffed, "For your information, Anne is the best person to ever grace this earth and she deserves everything." He pouted. I rolled my eyes and the sound of someone stumbling on wood alerted my ears. I looked and saw Kayla holding a fish in her arms. "Scheiße!" she cursed causing Hanna to flinch forward.

The fish wriggled in Kayla's arms and bit on one of her braids. "Hey, stupid fish let go!" I stood up and rushed to her trying to get the fish's mouth off her hair. "Hanna can you help!" I yelled out and she moved towards Kayla, putting her fingers near the fish's mouth.

We both pried open the fish's mouth and grabbed each end. "Chuck it out!" Felix panicked and rushed towards us. I looked at Hanna and we scattered towards the edge of the pier. We swung the fish slightly and chucked it back into the water. I sighed in relief as the sound of the fish plopping into the water was made apparent.

I sat back down and felt something in my pocket. I looked and saw the letter Mr Alfred had given me. I sighed slightly and wiped off my hands on my shirt. I used my nail to cut a small hole into the envelope and tore the rest of the top of. I took out the letter and began to read it.

To whom it may occur,

By reading this letter you have caught the attention of a member of 'Mors ad coronam' which roughly translates to 'Death to crown'.

Our society was once plagued with the rule of a tyrant King but once we took the measures our society became better.

But as you know many countries in Europe still have the burden of Monarchs. And by whatever means you accomplished my attention you are invited to the address below to join our organisation.

We hope you consider,


I looked at the letter oddly and stared down at the address. It was Oliver and Ben's, I scoffed slightly but considered the chance.

I was passionate about the cause, and who knew maybe this organisation was ideal. I trusted Ben and Oliver and Mr L/N had a good reputation. If there was any reason not to join it would be made more obvious. I was going to do this for Frederick, to make sure no more people like him have to suffer.

I stood up and Felix looked to turn to me, "Where are you going?" He questioned. I smiled awkwardly and hid the letter. "Just need to talk to someone," I replied. Felix nodded and I headed off.

~At Oliver and Ben's house~

"Hello?" I knocked on the door gently and held the letter in my hands tighter. The sound of shuffling and moving soon abrupted and I looked around at the window near the door.

It was blocked out with a curtain, the contents of the building kept hidden. I felt a wave and of slight anxiety cross my mind and in pure distraction. The familiar yet chilling sound of footsteps soon proceeded and the door opened to the usual pissed off face of Oliver.

"Look who decided to show up." He folded his arms and I chuckled slightly handing him the letter. He scoffed and snatched the letter standing to the side of the door. I sighed slightly and Oliver walked ahead.

"The meeting is in the living room." He explained and led me towards the room. I felt my breath become faster as we delved deeper into the house. Oliver knocked on in of the doors and Mrs Clarke opened it up.

"Mrs Clarke?" I looked at her puzzled and she smiled opening the door wider. Around a table, 6 other people were sat, with four spaces missing.

My father, My mother, Ben, Arthur, Mr Lewis and Mr Alfred all with small name cards in front of them. Oliver shoved me forward and sat me on the edge of the table. I looked around awkwardly and my father's gaze fixated upon me. I looked at his name card and saw the word, Bishop written on his card. I furrowed my brow and scanned the other tags.

My mother's had Queen written on it, Oliver had Bishop as well, Ben had Knight and so did Arthur, Charlotte had rook and so did Mr Alfred. Mr Lewis had Pawn and at the end of the table was a card with King written in it.

"Very well then Will, I suppose you are willing to join. But before we let you in officially we need to give you some information." He explained. I nodded and he smiled, "As our leader is currently not here I will be filling in for her- I mean them and I'll explain in greater detail what our organisation is." I nodded and he grabbed out a book.

"To the new member of this organisation, we ask of you for knowledge and wisdom. That you will use the intellect that God has bestowed upon you to challenge the greater evil. To do this effectively we will write, use the medium of words to persuade the people to rise up against tyranny. You must denounce any old loyalties towards any reigning monarch and instead keep your faith in the common people. You will be the host of the cries of the people and the bringer that f justice for the people." My. Father closed the book and looked up at me.

"Well, then son what do you think? Do you want to become the next member?" My father smiled. I looked around the room at all the faces. Everyone I trusted was here counting on me, I smiled and nodded.


I was doing this for the greater good, there was no saying no.

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