Chapter 19 ~ Not a Chance

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13th of April 1795

~William's pov~

I stumbled backwards into the bush surrounding the entrance. I moved my shoulders frantically trying to escape from the person's grip. The hand pulled me further into the bush, so much that I was almost in the middle of the forest.

I was struggling harder until I looked at the hand that was grabbing me, I recognised the ring that was on it. It was a simple gold metal with a cross imprinted on it.

My eyes widened and the hand pried away. I turned around and looked at my father. "What the hell dad?" I questioned him. My father put his finger near my lips to silence me and he crouched down. "Be quiet, I'll explain it to you when we get out of the woods." he urged me. I looked at him confused but then nodded, he stood up and we walked towards the other side of the forest.

"How about Frederick?" I questioned, my father stayed silent and looked at me placing his finger on his lips. I looked at him in confusion as we continued through the forest. I looked around at the gloomy like forest. Small droplets of rain fell between the cracks in the forest shade, they piled up slightly on my nose as we trudged closer towards a very pale, almost grey looking light.

The ground felt as if it was sinking with every step, mud engulfing my boots. I sighed slightly and wiped off the water droplets forming on my face. I turned my head slightly and my father was scribbling something down. I have him another confused look and he smiled.

"Who's bishop?" I questioned glaring down at the paper. My father chuckled awkwardly and folded the piece of paper in his pocket. I turned my head back around and saw the outside. "Well I see were here." He smiled.

I smiled slightly and we walked out of the woods. The muted light of the overcast sun flashed in my eyes slightly as my father grabbed my arm. He began taking me towards a different path. A line of trees on each side of the path soon became very obvious, I looked at my father and he nodded. This was the way towards Ben and Oliver's household. I looked around oddly buy nodded back walking along the rocky pathway.

The stretching fields of a less vibrant green surrounded the small pathway. I looked around in familiarity as we neared the small cobblestone wall that surrounded Mr Howard and Mr Andersen's house. My father rubbed his cross pendant around his neck and unlatched the gate.

"Shouldn't you call out to them first," I whispered. "Not now William, we don't want to attract any attention," he explained. I nodded and we continued up the path all the way to the front door. My father knocked slightly and put his hands behind his back. I did the same and we waited for Oliver and Ben.

An awkward silence became between my father and I. We both awkwardly stared at the door in front of us as we waited for anyone to respond. Soon the familiar and albeit tiring sound of footsteps rattled closer. The door opened and a slightly dishevelled Oliver opened the door.

He looked at us annoyed and rubbed his temple. "What is it?" He irritatedly asked. My father looked at him and gave him a look. Oliver's facial expression soon became less threatening and he opened the door wider. We walked inside and he quickly shut the door leading us to the living room.

We walked inside and sat down on the couch Oliver rushed to the kitchen and I looked at my father. "So why did leave Frederick." I interrogated him. My father looked at his palms still fiddling with his necklace, "There were British soldiers around our house. They were retrieving Frederick for his father." he explained. I looked at him and stood up. "You mean you let him get kidnapped?" I glared at my father.

He stayed silent and I headed out of the room. I felt myself bump into something and a slightly agitated Oliver was staring back. "Going somewhere?" He looked at me. I nervously walked back and sat back down on the chair next to the window. Oliver sat down the cups he was holding and looked at me. I looked at my hands gloomily, staying silent. My father looked at me and sighed, "If it helps you, son, Frederick will be okay, his father would never hurt him." he comforted me. I glared at him and he sighed again, turning towards Oliver.

"How are you then Oliver?" He smiled picking up a cup. Oliver sighed and smiled, "Busy, I guess. I have been getting some weird passive-aggressive letters from some unknown person but apart from that I'm fine." he replied. My father looked at him oddly, "Letters?" Oliver nodded and took a sip of his tea. "Yeah, along with some people lurking around our house but we figured they were just tourists or something." he smiled. My father nodded and I looked out at the window. I couldn't believe my father was so quick to leave Frederick. If I could, I would go and get him back.

But I was just some random 17 year old. I couldn't go and kidnapped a Prince from his own father. Even still I didn't want to be here, it wasn't 100% confirmed that they were British soldiers anyway. So the only sign that he could be okay was a letter or message from him. He could be dead for all I know and it would be all my fault.

I stared down at my hands snd sighed looking back out at the road. It was the same path that was lined with trees every side. But something was different, I looked and saw two people. One looked to be 15 or 16, he has black hair and brown eyes. But the person that really caught my attention was the older man next to him.

He looked about his early 40's. He looked very similar to Frederick except for a few things, he had pale blonde hair and very distinct Hazel eyes. I looked at him closely and felt a tap on my shoulder. "Do you want a cup of tea Will?" Oliver questioned. I nodded and turned back to inside the room.

Unbeknownst to what intentions and identities two lurking figures were keeping hidden.

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