Chapter 10 ~ Another Day

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3rd of April 1795

~William's pov~

It was your usual day, well as usual as it got. Frederick, Hanna and I were once again waiting for Felix. I yawned slightly and looked at Frederick whose expression was one of 'f*ck this shit'. I gazed closer to him and leaned back against the stone railing surrounding the bridge.

My mind was more cluttered than usual, especially after my parents had told me the full story of what happened to them in the past. It was quite a chaotic one at that and left me with many questions. One being,

Why was the Queen all of a sudden happy?

By my parent's account, it sounds like she'd despise the King. But she doesn't, all rumours and news about the couple is positive. No sign of their strenuous past or one-sided relationship, instead a happy and normal couple. I honestly felt sorry for Frederick and his siblings because they had no idea of what their mother went through but it was better that they didn't know.

"Guyssss!" Felix's usual energetic voice yelled out and we were met with his usual messy attire. "Why were you late this time?" I questioned. Felix glanced sideways slightly and smirked pulling out a piece of paper. "I spent all night on this." he smiled. I grabbed the paper and began to read it.

My dearest and most beloved beauty, Anne

Twas the night a few moons ago that my mind fluttered over your captivating beauty. I spent my time in bed, staring into the moonlight enamoured by your grace when all of a sudden an angel came down to me.

This angel told me that we, yes me and you were destined to be together. I was shocked but honoured that God would trust me in your hand but accepted. Anne, your face could drive any man insane. Our romance could be great, like the King and Queen. But with passion and lust.

Passion that burns deep inside me and explodes with such violence that only a man of my calibre could handle. We will change history together and spend our days in such fondlings of joy.

You are my light Anne, the very soul purpose of my life and the promised return of Christ bestowed by the lord. You are my God Anne, everything and everyone is below you. You are a Queen and I'll be your King.

Love, the second most majestic person in the world,


I held the paper awkwardly and Felix grinned, "It's good isn't it?" He smiled brighter. Hanna and I looked away awkwardly and Frederick looked at Felix blanky. "It looks like something my father would write for my mother. And keep in mind this guy mistakened a tree for the King of Prussia," he spoke.

Felix's expression faded and he walked over to the edge of the bridge leaning on the edge. "Your words, Frederick. They are too cruel. I must depart this world." I sighed slightly and pulled Felix's bag pulling him onto the ground. Felix pouted and Hanna chuckled slightly holding the letter in her hands.

"Sending this letter to her will ruin your reputation. As my father says. 'Think before you write.'" She explained. Felix sighed and he stood up grabbing his bag from the ground. "Whatever." he snatched the piece of paper and Frederick giggled.

"Hey if it gives you any hope Felix. Crazy people get the girls, trust me."  he joked. Felix pouted again and he began walking away. I scoffed playfully and followed behind him as well as Hanna and Frederick.

We walked down the usual path and my eyes wondered looking around at the warm sunlight reflecting upon the trees. I grinned brightly and felt Frederick drift next to me. "I think we should take another route, look ahead," he whispered slightly.

I cocked my head slightly and looked ahead seeing a group of boys, one being Oscar. Of course, we could be normal people and pass normally. But after numerous times of being harassed by the posse, we weren't looking for trouble. I nodded and we diverted off on another track.

We continued walking down a different section of the city. It was the sketchier part of New York but it was better than getting beaten up. I sighed again and Hanna drifted to my other side. "You sure we should be going this way. Not to be rude but with Frederick's bright red jacket that has GOLD in it, were basically a walking target."

I rolled my eyes and put my hands in my pocket. "It's fine Hanna, besides if robbers do approach us we can just sacrifice Frederick." I smiled. Frederick glared at me and he folded his arms. "You shouldn't say that about the future King of a major European country." he joked. I smiled slightly and Felix yawned.

"Hey Will, do you actually know where the hell we're going?" Felix questioned. I nodded slightly and he pointed ahead at the dead end. My face dropped slightly and we turned around. "Where the hell are we?" Hanna questioned. I shrugged my shoulders and started to walk forwards, "Probably made a wrong turn, let's go." I responded.

Hanna furrowed her brow and we began walking out of the small section. I yawned again and felt my jacket being pulled back. "Hey!?" I looked behind me at Hanna whose face was full of fear. I looked at her confused and heard a chuckle.

I turned my head and saw a scruffy looking man and boy holding pistols towards us. I froze slightly and backed away. The older man smirked and pointed the pistol closer to my face. I shivered slightly and mumbled.

"Oh f*ck."

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