Chapter 3

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The above picture is a rough image of how Ashley looks but once again it's your choice. You can picture her otherwise. Please feel free to do so.


I peaked from behind the wall to take a look and almost screamed. There were a couple of Trasas feasting on human flesh. I watched in horror as one of the Trasas tore off his hand with his teeth. I turned my head back and bit my lip hard to stop myself from screaming. I wanted to throw up but I had to control myself. Sam handled these kind of situations way better than mine. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to compose myself. I looked at them again. They seemed to be done with their food/human who now lay in a of flesh, blood and bones. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Then something caught my eye. A Transcota growing at the corner. I had to get that. I looked back again to see that the Trasas were nowhere to be seen. I checked behind me, just to make sure there wasn't anyone. I slowly made my way towards the Transcota. I quickly plucked it off and tucked it safely in the inside of my jacket and zipped up my jacket. Now I had no idea where to go.

I had to call Sam. When I was about to do that, I heard a growl from behind me. I froze in my place, my throat constricting. I slowly turned around to see that about a dozen of Trasas standing there. One of them was even clicking his tongue as if he found me tasty. I sighed. I drew out my crossbow and got into a fighting position. Then at once all of them lunged at me. It was all chaos.

I shot down down as many of them as possible with my crossbow and used it to knock out one of the them. Then I quickly drew out my sword and started hacking and slashing at them. I managed to kill a few of them when one of them sinked it's teeth into my right arm. Now I was lucky to be a left-handed but still it hurt like hell. My vision had gone a little blurry and I staggered back, clutching my arm. Their bite was fatal.

I shook off the pain and started fighting them again. At last, after what seemed like an eternity, I beheaded the last Trasa and his body vanished. I collapsed to my knees, gasping for breath. My arm was becoming numb which was a bad sign and my head throbbed. I touched my temple and felt something wet. I drew my hand away to see that it was blood. I blew out a breath that I didn't know I was holding and shook my head. I stood up shakily and walked quickly with wobbly legs to the nearest corner which could provide a temporary camouflage. I sat down and slid my backpack off of my shoulder and set it down in front of me. I opened the zip and rummaged through my supplies until I found a few vials containing my essence. Eating ones' elemental essence could help in the healing process. I quickly gulped down one vial and put the rest in my backpack.

I felt my jacket to see that whether the Transcota was still there or not. It was there. I quickly made a paste of the flowers and applied them on my elf bolts and the arrowheads of my arrows. I made a paste of the leaves next and applied them on my wounds. While the flowers were effective in keeping demons away, the leaves and the stem had incredible healing properties. The wound on my temple immediately closed up and the bite mark on my faded to an extent. The pain had subsided down further. It was only a dull throb now. I put everything back in my backpack and took out a bottle of water. I took a sip, closed the cap and put it inside. I closed the zip of my backpack and called Sam. "Sid here. Sam come in. Can you hear me?"

"Yes, I can hear you."

"Do you have any more information on this cave?"

"I do. Yes. There are a lot of werewolves there and you might want to be careful about using your powers. Try to hold on to your power vials as long as possible. That place isn't good for you. You wont be able to use your lightning stikes. The cave will absorb it. You can only use your lightning bolts."

"Okay, copy that. Can you give me the GPS of the cave or a map of the cave or directions or something? I have absolutely no idea where to go."

"Copy that. I'll send you the GPS. But it might be a little confusing since this cave keeps shifting a lot. Be careful. Anything else?"

"No nothing else. Thank you. Over and out." I cut the call and sighed. My bracelet suddenly lit up and I checked to see that Sam had already sent me the GPS. The red dot was me and I scrolled down to see that I was two kilometers away from Vikram Chaterjee's hideout. 

I was following the route, taking turns or walking straight ahead when I heard a growl from around the corner. It was enough to chill my bones and send a shiver down my spine. I froze, anticipating my next move. I crept along the wall as quietly as possible. Then I suddenly realised my bracelet was still lit. I switched it off and continued walking until I reached the edge. I peaked from behind the wall and gasped almost audibly.

Hey guys. I hope you liked the chapter. I know it's a little late update. I'm sorry for the delay and also any mistakes. My autocorrect is horrible. Anyway, please don't forget to vote, share and comment. Until next time.

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