Chapter 10

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I grinned sheepishly when Ash kissed Sam. The crowd broke into applause with me happily clapping along. They pulled away and faced the crowd with wide smiles on their faces. "Throw the boquet!"  Someone from the crowd shouted. Sam grinned and turned around. She threw the boquet over her head and many people came forward to catch it. Ashley caught it with a wide grin on her face. Everyone cheered and she came forward to hug Sam. I blushed a little at how beautiful she was looking in that blue gown, but I quickly averted my gaze. This was Sam's wedding. Control Sid. Control.

"I know, you know." Dida said with a sly grin and sipped her wine. I frowned at her.

"What do you know?"

"That you like Ashley. Come on. It's very evident that you like her. Now man up and tell her."

"I don't know. I don't think she reciprocates my feelings. Besides one-sided love is better than breakup."

She sighed. "You're a mysterious child. If she rejects you, then she doesn't know what she'll be missing." She said softly. I smiled and nodded.

"Anyway, I need to get laid. I haven't had sex for about five years." She said and went away, leaving me disgusted. That was too much information. I smiled and shook my head. Typical.

"Yo bruh."

"Hi bride." I said. Sam grinned and hugged me.

"Did you see Sammy?" She asked, after pulling away. She had taken off her veil and her hair was now loose on her shoulders.

"No. But I do remember him saying something about taking a big step."

"Wait so you think he was talking about telling dad that he was gay?"

"I don't know. But its about time." I said. Honestly he had known this since ten years. It was about time.

"I know. He was always afraid that we would disown him or something." She said, shaking her head.

"Hey, um, I need to tell you something." I paused waiting for her to say something. "What? Are you gay too?" She asked. I smacked her arm. "No. I like Ashley."

She snorted. "Too little too late. I knew that since the first time you saw her. It's obvious."

"Really? Do you think she suspects that I like her?"

"I don't think so." At that moment Sammy appeared beside Sam with a tall man. He was taller than Sammy and had a straight cut jawline with light stubble. He had tousled brown hair and twinkling hazel eyes. He looked older than Sammy with a boyish face. From his looks, I could make out that he was fitness freak.

"Guys this is Vishal Sharma and Vishal this is Sam, my younger sister and this is Sid, my elder brother." He shook hands with Sam and then with me.

"It's nice to meet you all. Sammy has told me a lot about you guys." He said, smiling.

"So how long have you guys been dating?" Sam asked, grinning.

"Two months." Vishal answered, smiling at Sammy.

"Hey could you get me a drink?" Sammy asked.

"Sure babe." He kissed Sammy's cheek and went over to the bar.

"Hot." Sam whispered. Sammy grinned and blushed profusely.

"I know, right?"

"All right girls, if I may? How come you never told us?"

"I wanted dad to know first."

"By the way, what was dad's reaction?" Sam asked.

"Well he took it pretty good. Though he did scold me in front of Vishal that I hadn't told him sooner."

We both laughed. "Typical." Sam said and I nodded in agreement.

"Dida was there too. She asked me if I had done it with him." We both laughed again.

"So did you?" Sam asked. Sammy blushed and looked at me for help, but I shook my head.

"Hey even I want to know."

"Ok fine. Yes."

Sam grinned. "How many times?"

"How many times what?" Vishal chimed in as he came to stand beside Sammy with two drinks in his hand. One was whiskey and the other one was scotch. He handed the whiskey to Sammy.

"I was asking how many times you guys..." But she couldn't finish as Sammy put his palm over her mouth, silencing her. She stamped his foot and his grip slackened. She swatted his hand away.

"Had sex." She finished. Sammy was glaring at her. Vishal threw his head back and laughed. He turned to Sammy.

"What did you say?"

"I didn't answer. By the way, the answer is two times." Sammy mumbled, still glaring at Sam.

"Dude lighten up. It's my wedding." Sam protested. We all laughed.

"What's with the laugh fest? I heard that people cry during weddings." Ash said and came up from behind Sam, wrapping his arms around her waist. He kissed her cheek.

"Just in time. Ash meet Vishal. Vishal this is my husband Ash." Vishal shook hands with Ash. Then his hands again went protectively around Sam's waist.

"He is Sammy's boyfriend." I said and Sammy turned red. Vishal put his arm around his shoulder and squeezed it.

"Hey guys look at this." Vishal said and kissed Sammy on his mouth. After he drew away, Sammy had turned, if possible, even redder. "Ooooh." We all whispered as we couldn't shout.

"Nice one Vishal. I'll use your name when I want him to do something." Sam said.

"Anytime." He said and shook her hand.

"Okay now enough plotting against Sammy. Now it's time for a little Sid time." Ash said, smirking at me. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What? We all know you like Ashley." Sam said, grinning.

"Really? It's that obvious. First dida then you guys. Oh god." I said in frustration.

"Come on tell us." Sammy said, wriggling his eyebrows at me.

"Okay guys if Sid doesn't want to say anything then let it go. He'll tell us eventually. Besides we already know." Sam reasoned. I sighed in relief, but that relief didn't last long. I heard gunshots in the distance.

Hey guys. Please don't kill me for the cliffhanger. I really hope you liked the chapter. Please don't forget to vote, comment and share. Until next time.

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