//10:Lay with me// *

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A/N: This chapter is a mess but I promise I will be getting a lot better. Thanks everyone who reads. I love you all so much.

I have to admit that the least of my worries was having them adore me but I did want them to at least like me. That's what everyone wants right? To be liked? Well, that's what I want. I want for me to walk into that house and have them fawn over me, okay maybe not that drastic but I want something a little like that. Matty squeezes my hand and kisses my cheek trying his best to calm my nerves but it doesn't help, I'm pretty sure if he keeps touching me I might explode from the torture. By torture I mean- well I don't know what I mean because I'm SO nervous.

Jocy, calm down. They're just my parents."

"Yeh, that's exactly why I'm peeing myself." He slams down on the breaks causing me to fly forward. "or you could kill me first that'd solve the problem." He grabs my face and pushes it to his but I pull away quickly. "Nope."

"What?" He looks confused at me.

"Because if I kiss you- you know." He smirks.

"I don't think I do. What do you know that I don't?"

"Well, you're very charming."


"Well- Can we focus." I snap. He laughs at me and pulls me closer to him.

"You're literally freaking out for nothing. It's going to be fine. You need to breathe." I listen to him and take in one large breath.

"Good?" I nod and finally let him kiss me.

"Good." He turns back in his seat, not taking his hand off of mine and drives up the driveway towards this brass gate.

I'm sure I've passed out from the suspense when we finally approach the large gates separating us. Matty leans out the side of his window and presses the button to a white box.

"Mathew?" The voice on the other end says, and Matt smiles.

"Hey. Sammy. Are the folks home?"

"You're mother is in, I believe but your father...no."

"And Louis?"

"Yes, he is here." He looks back at me and smiles.

"Can you let us in?"

"Us? Oh the girl. Your mother is very excited to meet her and see you as well."

"Of course she is, now beep me in." He grins.

"Right away."

"See." He says leaning back over to kiss me cheek. "She's already shitting bricks with your arrival." I don't want to think to much into the whole brass gate white box thing so I smile and let him rub the palm of my hand with his calloused thumb.

"So is this like-it?"

"What?" He laughs.

"I mean like, is this the rest of the way or is there more."

"Nope, we're all done. You know you have a really good poker face."

"What?" Now it's my turn to laugh.

"The whole way here you've been bothering me about the drive and now that were here you're scared."

"Well of course I'm scared. I'm meeting the parents of the man I love." his lips move up into a straight line and he slowly looks back at me.

"Say that again."


"Say what you just said again."

"That I'm meeting the parents of the man I love?"



"Nothing, I jut love hearing it."

The white house standing in front of us knocks the breath out of me.



"You didn't tell me your parents were rich."

"Yeh, I think I did." He says not looking at me.

"Nope, pretty sure I would have remembered that." I look down at my clothes feeling a little more self conscious. I should have wore something a little more-elegant besides jeans and a sweater. I feel my hair and the weird bun I have.

"Shit." I mumble under my breath.

"What now?"

"Nothing." He jumps out of the car and waits for me to finally march up the stairs and throws the door open. Everything is so white that I'm afraid to touch anything.

"Mom!" He screams. He throws his boots off and tosses them into the next room. "Mom!" Rapid footsteps start to echo through the house and finally I hear a woman with a slight accent.

"Mathew? Is that you?"

"Yes, mom!"

A blonde woman starts to descend down the stairs with her arms open wide and runs straight into Matty, wrapping her arms around him.

"Mathew! Oh honey, how has Brooklyn been treating you?"

"Great, mom. How are you and Dad?"

"We're-"she swallows. "We're great." He looks deeper at her and I wonder if there's something I'm missing.

"Where is he?"

"He's at the office."

"Oh God mom."

"Let's talk about you-"she quickly turns around finally acknowledging me. "And your beautiful girlfriend. Hello honey, what is your name?"

"I'm Joclin."

"What a beautiful name." She smiles, hugging me softly. "Say, Matthew why don't you take your brother out somewhere so we can get acquainted?"He looks at me and smiles, walking up the stairs.

"You wanted to meet her so desperately. Have fun." He smiles.

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