choices and consequences*

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As we left the CDC, I continued to travel with Daryl. We hadn't stopped yet. So I hadn't had to answer questions about why I was with Daryl and not my own car.

Judging from the way we're heading I would say Fort Benning is where we're going. 

A few miles up ahead Daryl jerked to a stop. He flew his arm in front of me like you would a child trying to protect them from impact. I smiled at him and he jerked his arm back quickly.

Dale had busted another radiator hose. So Glenn and T-dog were searching through the sea of cars to try and find one. The rest of us was scavenging what we could.

I was checking a car a few down from dad. When I looked over into the backseat. There was a blood covered carseat. I turned from the car throwing up.

"Sweetheart are you alright?"Dad asked patting my back.

"Yeah daddy I'm fine I just."I pointed to the car I had just been in.

Dad saw the carseat and understood.

He pulled me into a hug. "I know baby it gets to me to."

"Is she ok?" Shane asked coming up to us.

"She's fine." Dad said walking away from Shane.

I turned to walk away to. When i felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Are we gona talk about what happened at the CDC?"

"What is there to talk about Shane?"

"Come on Amara I feel like shit. I was drinking. You know I would never hurt you."

"I don't know Shane. I just need some time I guess."

"Okay I get it just don't....

He stopped mid sentence Daryl had come over to where we were.

"Are you alright?"He asked me looking straight at Shane.

I could see the veins in his neck and forearm pulsing. Not wanting there to be a fight. I grabbed his arm.

"Yeah I'm okay come on." I said dragging him with me. Leaving Shane standing there snarling at us.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what?" He asked.

"Getting me out of there."

He grunted nodding his head. A response I had become use to.

"Hey Daryl can I ask you a question?"

"Your going to anyway so go ahead."

I chuckled. "What happened at the CDC when you went and got my clothes?"

"Nothing happened."

"Shane had a black eye. I know I didn't do it."

"So I hit him so what?"

"Why did you hit him?"

Before he could answer we saw dad signialing us to get down. There was a herd of walkers headed our way.
Daryl pulled me under a car. Telling me to be quiet.

Then Daryl was gone. Up ahead of us T-dog had cut his arm and was bleeding badly. Daryl had him lay down and covered him with 2 dead walkers trying to mask his scent. Then he crawled back under the car with me. We laid there watching the walkers go by. When one stumbled and fell.

If he looked our way we'd be dead. I started to whimper. Daryl put his hand over my mouth. Thankfully the walker got up and kept moving.

We heard a noise I look back and see Sophia crawl from under the car two walkers following her as she falls over the hill. I made a move to go after her but Daryl pinned me to him not letting me go.

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