Moving On*

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A couple days later Noah told us about a safe community he and Beth had talked about going to. Where Noah's family was suppose to be. It was agreed we would make the trip to Richmond.

Daryl had barely spoken to me or anyone since Beth's death. He acted mad at the world. I tried to understand and give him his space. I honestly didnt know where it left us.

Upon arriving in Richmond. We found the community was no longer standing.
We split up checking each house in the community. Ty was attacked by what turned out to be Noah's brother. Ty died shortly later. Death was becoming to much to handle for everyone. Sasha was a complete mess.

60miles outside of Washington both vehicles were out of gas. So we were forced to walk. After a couple days of walking with little food and water everyone was dragging. Daryl had moved up closer walking next to dad and I.

"She needs food water." He said pointing to Judy.

"We have a little left she's ok for now." Dad said.

"I'm gona break off a bit see what I can find." Daryl said.

"Becareful stay close." Dad replied.

Daryl walked off into the woods without another word or glance in my direction.

"What's going on with you and Daryl?" dad asked.

"I dono."I simply said. Leaving dad and walking instead beside Jax.

Him not being Daryl's biggest fan. He never asked me about him. Making it easier to be around him than the others.

Daryl and I had still barely spoke. He had retorted back to grunts or one word answers when I talked. So after a few days of this I just quit talking. For me at this point it was obvious he had loved Beth and whatever they had was stronger than anything I could do to pull him back.

I did my best to avoid him. My heart broke just seeing his face.

Carol had snuck off into the woods to help Daryl.

Daryl's POV

Walking through the woods trying to find food and water. I noticed Carol had tagged along. After awhile she spoke.

"See anything?"

"Naw its to dry nothing here."

"Maybe we should start back?"

"You go I'll be along."

"I think she saved my life....she saved your life to right?"

She handed me Beth's knife.

"I know you she said. We're diffrent I can't let myself feel it. But you have to."

"Your pushing everyone away again Daryl. Look at Amara she is lost. She doesn't understand what's happening with you. I know your hurt. But your causing hurt to. If you were in love with Beth,Daryl and can't continue with Amara tell the poor girl. But if you still love her get it together before you wake up and she's gone."

She kissed my forehead and walked away back toward the group.

Was she right? Was I hurting Amara? Of course I loved her I just couldn't function. Right now I'm no good for her. I'm no good for anyone. Beth was probably my best friend other than Amara and I had let her down. Because of my love for Amara I had given up looking for Beth. And that's why she's dead. I didn't wana blame Amara. But a small part of me did. And I couldnt get past it.

Amara's POV

We were lined on either side of the hill. We were being followed by a group of walkers. Needing to thin them out but not having the energy to do so. The plan was to just let them get close enough. Then push them down the hill.

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