Stay Still*

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A meeting was set for that night. The decison to be made was whether dad should be kicked out or not.

Dad was sleeping in a make shift holding cell. Carl and I had stopped by earlier to check in on him. I walked in on dad and Carl talking. Carl trying to talk sense into him. I smiled at how grown up Carl was getting. He'd make a fine leader someday.

Daryl's POV

We had been tracking a potential person to bring back. From watching him the man really knew. How to survive. We tracked him to a can food plant.

Aaron and I decided it was time to go home. We needed more people. But when we found them we'd have to feed them. Drawing the attention of the walkers to the fence we took them out one by one.

The trucks seemed like they hadn't been moved since loaded. I opened up the first truck. It was a set up so that all the other trucks opened. They were filled with walkers. We took off running surrounded on all sides. Barely making it into a car parked in the middle of the lot.

"The windows will hold for awhile right?" Aaron asked.

"Maybe....maybe we make it so they cant see us. Cut up the seats block the view."

Aaron found a note stuffed into the side of the seat.

"Bad people coming don't stay."

I chuckled. When he showed me.

"What?" He asked confused.

"I came out here. Cause I feel all closed up back there. Even now still feels more like me than back in them houses. That's pretty messed up huh?"

"You were trying."

"I had to for everyone else for Amara,Carl the baby.

"No you didn't." He said.

"You did it out of love. Their your family.......Amara she's your family."

She use to be. I thought to myself before I pushed her away.

"I saw you out there with your group. You where out by the barn and she came out. You fought but still when she walked off. You stayed close keeping her safe.... You were right we should have kept looking. I gave up you didn't that's brave."

"Naw I did give up and I ain't brave. I walked away from that girl. The only person who ever gave a shit about me cause I was afraid,And I blamed her for something that was on me."

"I'll go." I said. "I'll lead em out you run for the fence."

"No no this was my fault I'll do it."

"It wasn't a question and it ain't your decision. It aint nobody's fault. I see that now.... Just gona finish my smoke first."

"Listen um... I need you when you get back. I need you to tell Amara I'm sorry. Tell her it was on me. She did nothing wrong. Tell her she was the bright spot for me. Tell her I love her."

"No I won' tell her. When we get out of here. We're getting out together or not at all. We're fighting."

I paused taking in his serious expression.

"Alright. You ready? Go on three."

Suddenly outside the window someone was taking down walkers. He helped us make it out.

"Oh my god thank you. I'm Aaron and this is Daryl." Aaron said.

"I'm Morgan." The man said.

"Why? I asked.

"Why? Cause all life is precious Daryl."

"Whoever set that trap is coming. But I have good news we have a community walls electricity. Its safe." Aaron said.

"I thank you,but I'm on my way sonewhere fact is im lost. If you could tell me where we are?"

He handed me a folded up map. Written at the bottom was Rick's name.

Amara's POV

I came out of the shower. Heading to my room when I heard dad talking to someone.

"Carol,Daryl and me we worked it out together. Carol took guns from the amory. I have one she has one. We lied cause I wasn't sure how you'd take it what you'd do."

"You think I'd try and stop you." Michonne said.

"You did hit me."

"That was for you not for them."

"We can find away even if we dont I'm still with you."

"Something is gona happen just dont make it happen."

I ducked into my room as I saw Michonne leaving.

It was dark when the meeting started. Deanna wanted to go ahead. We tried to get her to wait. Telling her he was coming.

Michonne started talking about what we had been through.

Then Carol stood up and talked. About how dad saved her.

When Abraham spoke I couldn't help but smile. He and I had become pretty good friends.

Maggie spoke about Hershal and dad. Then about me,Carl and Judy.

"I know it seems like my father is half crazy right now. You have to understand you don't know what it's like out there. Not only walkers but people. We've come across rapist cannabiles. People who would kill you just for the pleasure of it. I know you see him as a threat and what he done may have been extreme, but he did it to save one of your own."

Dad came in carrying a walker over his shoulder.

There wasn't a guard on the gate. It was open. He said.

"I asked Gabriel to close it." Spencer said.

"I didn't bring it in. It got inside on its own. They always will the dead and the living, because we're in here. And the ones out there......they'll hunt us. They'll find us. They'll try to kill us. But we'll kill them. We'll survive. I'll show you how....... You know, I was thinking how many of you do I have to kill to save your lives? But I'm not gonna do that. You're gonna change. I'm not sorry for what I said last night. I'm sorry for not saying it sooner. You're not ready, but you have to be."

"You're not one of us." Pete yelled. Coming into the court yard carrying Michonne's katana.

"Pete, you don't want to do this." Reg said.

"Get the hell away from me, Reg."

"Pete, just stop." He begged.

"Get away from me."

The sword came across Reg's neck slicing it open.

"Reg! Reg!" Deanna cried.

Abraham grabbed Pete throwing him to the ground.

"This is him! Shut up! This is him!" Pete yelled.

"Oh, God! Oh, my love. My love, my love. No, my love, no. No." Deanna wailed.

"It's him! This is him!" Pete kept yelling.

" it." Deanna said looking at dad.

Before I could say a word dad shot Pete in the head.


Looking up there stood a man with Daryl and Aaron. Staring confused at dad.

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