A new home*

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Amara's POV

It had been almost 8months since we had lost the farm. We were all surviving as best we could bouncing from place to place.

The winter had been harsh. They were times I didn't think we would make it. I hadn't hardly spoken to anyone other than Carl. I spent alot of time alone.

I was either teaching myself to track or practicing my knife throwing. I had gotten really good.

We had come across a house earlier in the day. Daryl killed an owl. Carl had found some dog food he attempted to serve before dad chucked it away.

We needed to find a safe place soon. Lori wasn't to far from delivering the baby. Things between her and I got steadily worse as she blamed me for Shane.

We now sat lined on the road discussing which way to go. It was decided we would go back toward Greenville and swing west.

T-dog took some people down to the creek to collect more water.

"I'm gona go hunt while everyone washes their panties. That owl didn't exactly hit the spot." Daryl said.

"Stay close."Dad said.

"You've gotten pretty good at it wana help?"He asked me.

"Alright" was all I said. I walked ahead of him into the woods.

We found a few squirrels and a couple rabbits not a hearty meal,but it was something.

On the way back something out the corner of my eye caught my attention. I walked a little further into the woods.
Daryl noticed and followed.

"What are you doing girl?"

"Look" I said pointing to the prison.

"Damn to bad its over run."

"Look closer the gates are still closed theres not that many in the yard it would be easy to take."

"Prison might be to if it fell early." He said.

I smiled. This could work I thought to myself.

"Girl that's the first time I've really seen you smile in months."

"First time I've had anything to smile about."

"Come on lets go get your dad."

We brought dad back to show him.

"Damn Amara I think you might be right." He smiled hugging my shoulders.

"Let's fill the others in and do this."

We told the others the plan. They all agreed it was worth a shot.

We stayed in formation going through the field to the first set of fences. Daryl Glenn T-dog and I fought off walkers.

While dad snapped at the fence with wire cutters once the others were in we joined and closed the hole in the fence back with zip tie like cords.

We made our way up to the upper gate that went into the main yard.

"It's perfect." Dad said as we surveyed from behind the fence.

"We get that gate shut up in the court yard. Take out the walkers here. Would could have the field by tonight."

"How we get the gate shut though." Daryl asked.

"I'll do it." I said I'm the fastest.

"No! Daryl said."Its a suicide run."

"I can do it dad you know I'm fast I took track for years I can do this."

He thought for awhile before he answered.

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