The battle continues*

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"I brought him here." Carl said. Pointing to the man beside him. "That's how it happened." Carl removed a bandage revealing a walker bite.

"No." I whispered dropping to my knees.

"I....I.....don'" Dad stammered.

"Dad it's alright I didnt know if you'd make it back before but just to be sure I wrote some letters." Carl said.
He handed dad a stack and then one to me.

Carl: "Its alright Amara it's gona be okay."

"I should have stayed with you. I should have..."

Carl: "This ain't your fault and you couldn't have changed it. I got bit I was bringing someone back. We saw him before at the gas station his names Siddiq. It wasn't the saviors. It just happened."

We got Carl laid on a cot he had brought down for Siddiq.

Siddiq: "I have these they'll help a little with the fever."

Dad: "Your a doctor?"

Siddiq: "I was a resident."

Dad: "Is that why you brought him back you knew he was a doctor?"

Carl: "He wasn't gona make it alone. He needed us that's why."

The sounds of bombing and gun fire continued above us.

"Make it stop! Make them stop!" I slammed Dwight against the wall. "Please.....please." I cried.

"Hey come on."Daryl said. Pulling me away from Dwight.

I got down beside Carl holding his hand. I didn't want him to go without knowing so I leaned over.

"Your gona be an uncle noone knows yet."

Carl: "Really?"


Carl: "You should be resting."

I half chuckled."I'm not tired."

Carl: "The fighting has to stop. It shouldn't be like this. It can be better. You can help make it better.

Dad reached over taking my other hand.

"I can't I'm not strong like you."

Carl: "Yes you are. You might not see it but you are."

"I don't wana do this without you."

Carl: "You have to. I'm always gona be with you.

The others were gona try and make it to hilltop. It wasn't perfectly safe,but it was better.

"Let me say goodbye." Carl said. Pointing to Judy.

Daryl held my hand as we listened to him say goodbye to Judy.

When he was done Daryl took Judy.

"These people you saved em all. That's all you man." Daryl said to Carl.

Carl: "Amara you need to go with them."

"I dont wana leave you."

Carl: "You need to this isn't...It can't be good for..." He chuckled so I did to.

Carl: "Please so I know you and Judy are safe. Dad and Michonne will be here I won't be alone."

I shook my head...."okay."

I got down beside him."I love you." I said wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you to." He said hugging me back "Even if you are a pain in the ass." We both chuckled.

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