The barn*

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"How do you know?"I asked.
"I saw then from up top."Glenn said.
"We have to tell someone my dad or Shane."

"Tell Shane what." He said coming toward us.

"Nothing we can talk about it later Shane."

"That's your answer for everything isn't it Amara?"

"Shane if you have something you wana say just say it."

"Would you excuse us Glenn." He said dragging me off by my arm.

I'll find you in a minute I yelled to Glenn.

"What the hell is your problem Shane?"
"What's going on with you and the redneck?"
"Shane I've asked you not to call him that he has a name."
"I don't give two shits. Did you fuck him?"
"Is that what this is about? You think I fucked Daryl?"
"Did you Amara? Tell me!" He yelled.
"No I didn't not that its any of your bussiness."
"You are my bussiness Amara. You need to stay away from that redneck before he has an accident."
"Like Otis? Shane."
He looked shocked. "I don't know what you mean."
"Just leave me alone Shane."
"Fine I don't need you anyway." He said grabbing my arm. "Andrea is more than willing and she was very generous today."
"Then run back to Andrea and leave the fuck alone. I'm done Shane. Don't ever speak to me again."

"Come on Glenn." I said grabbing his arm your gona tell everyone.

Everyone was around the fire.

"Guys the barns full of walkers." Glenn said.

Everyone ran to the barn. We all heard the moans and growls from inside.

"You ok with this Rick?" Shane asked.

"No I'm not,but this isnt our land." Dad said.

"It aint right. Now we gotta make things right or we gotta go. Fort Benning is still an option."

"My daughter is still out there?"Carol said.

"Okay I think its time we consider the other option." Shane said.

"We're not leaving Sophia behind."Dad yelled.

"I'm close to finding her." Daryl says.

"No you found a doll Daryl." He spat and looked at me.

After a few more words. Daryl and Shane were going for each other.

"That's enough." I said stepping between them. "We're not leaving Sophia Shane you wana go then go."

"That would work out real well for you wouldn't it." Shane snapped. Causing Daryl to step between us.

Shane looked from Daryl to me and walked away.

I walked over and sat next to Carl.

"Shane thinks Sophia's dead. Do you?"

"No buddy I don't and dont pay attention to Shane right now okay he's just scared."

I hugged him and walked him to the tent he shared with dad and Lori.

I was headed to Darly's tent. When I heard him and Carol talking. She had put her hand up to his face.

"I can't lose you to." I heard her say.

I turned around and headed back to my tent I didn't wana hear anymore. I felt like I was gona puke.

The next day Daryl was going to look for Sophia. I was sitting on the tailgate of Otis's truck when he came walking over.
"I didn't see ya last night."
"Seemed like you were busy." I said glancing at Carol who was looking at us.

"You wana go with me or not?"
"Yeah I'll go." Didn't matter if I was mad at him or not this was about Sophia.

We looked for a few hours. Then doubled back. There was still some daylight when we made it back to Hershal's farm.

We could hear yelling come from in front of the house.

Shane was there passing out guns.

"Shane what the hell are you doing?"

"Taking care of things the way they should be handled Amara now be a good girl and take your gun."

"What about you Dixon you gona protect whats yours?"

Daryl looked at me then back at Shane and took the gun.

Everyone was armed when dad and Hershal came into view holding walkers on poles.

What the hell?" Shane yelled.

Shane back off." Dad said.

"Why does everyone have guns?" Hershal asked.

You see what they're holding onto?" Shane asked Hershal.

"I see who I'm holding onto."

"Shane let us do this and then we can talk." Dad pleaded.

"Hey, Hershel man, let me ask you something. Could a living breathing person, could they walk away from this? That's three rounds in the chest. That's its heart, its lungs. Shane yelled."

"Shane please that's enough." I said.

"Yeah, you're right, Amara it is enough."

"Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone!"

"Enough living next to a barn full of walkers."

"It aint like before you wana survive you fight."

"We're gona start right here right now."

Dad begged Hershal to take the pole he was holding. As Shane ran to the barn opening the doors. Walkers started pouring out. We had no choice but to shoot. Shane shot the walker on dad's pole. Dad dropped it and hugged me to his chest.

After all the walkers had been shot. A small growl could be heard we all looked toward the barn. The blonde hair and rainbow shirt......

Sophia? Sophia! Oh no. Sophia. Sophia. No. Carol sobbing running towards her daughter. Daryl grabbed her in a hug pining her to the ground. I sat down on the ground beside Carl crying and holding him.

"Don't watch."Dad said to me and Carl.

As he walked over and put a bullet in little Sophia's head.

Carl ran Lori close behind him. Dad wrapped his arms around me.

Carol ran to her daughter craddling her.

Shane accused the Greene's of knowing Sophia was in the barn. Hershal told dad he wanted Shane gone.

A little while later I went to look for Daryl. He had moved his tent further away from the group.

"Daryl?" He didn't speak he didn't move.

"Are you alright?" Still he said nothing.

"Daryl please talk to me."

"I ain't got nothing to say to you girl just leave me alone."

"Daryl I know your upset. I know you tried hard to find Sophia."

He jumped up and stood inches from my face.

"That little girl wasn't nothing to me she wasn't my responsibility. Just like you aren't your nothing to me and sure as hell aint my responsibility. Run back to daddy and officer asshole let them take care of you."He spat.

I bit my jaw trying to keep from crying.

"That's the second time you've said something like that to me Daryl there won't be a third. Stay away from me."
I said as tears poured down my face.

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