Cleaning up*

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The next morning was cleanup time we had alot of walker bodys to get rid of. We moved the vehicles by the West gate,and brought the truck in to help haul the bodies.

Carol: Where's Glenn and Maggie? We could use the help.
Dad:Guard tower? They were up there last night.
Daryl: Glenn! Maggie!
Glenn: Hey guys?
Daryl: You coming?
We all laugh at the double meaning.
Glenn: What?
Daryl: You coming? We could use a hand.
Glenn: Be right there.
Maggie:Sicko pervs

"Dad look." I said pointing to the court yard.

Axel and Oscar the prisoners that were here before. Were standing there looking at us.

Daryl steped in front of me. I smiled at his protectiveness.

Maggie shoots me a look,and points to Daryl. I just shrug.

She smiles and shakes her head.

They were trying to convince dad to let them. Join the group. After some discussion it was decided they could either go back to their cell block or we'd give them a car and some supplies and send them off.

"Alright Hershal just take your time."I said. I stood in front of him walking down the steps incase he fell.

"Becareful daddy,dont over do it. Beth said."

"I got to move around I can't stand being in that cell anymore."Hershal said.

"Do you need a rest?" I asked.

"A rest? How bout a stroll?" He smiled.

"Ready for a race Hershal?" Carl teased.

"Give me a few more days and I'll take you on?" Hershal joked.

When we reached the fence I smiled down at dad Daryl and Glenn smiling up at Hershal.

Suddenly Carl yelled."Walkers look out."

I could hear dad screaming for Carl Lori and I.

Followed by Daryl hollering for me.

I grabbed my knife and fought off walkers helping Beth get Hershal to safety.

Once they were safe T-dog and I. Took off into the prision.

Rick's POV

Once we got to the court yard. Glenn,Daryl and I were able to get the rest of the walkers taken down.

What the hell happened? I asked.

"The gate was open."Beth said.

"Where's Amara,Carl,Lori and everyone else?

Maggie,Lori and Carl went into C block.

I didnt see what way the others went.

Anybody see Amara? I asked.

"Not after she helped us get in here." Hershal said.

"She was with T-dog and he was bit." Carol said.

Suddenly a loud alarm started to blare.
Oscar and Axel helped us find the generators that was causing the alarms to blare.

Andrew another prisoner that had got away was responsible when he tried to kill me Oscar killed him. We made our way back to the court yard.

"Did Amara come back?"

"No I'm sorry." Hershal said.

"That doesn't mean anything Glenn Daryl we got to..."

Thats when I heard a baby crying.
Carl and Maggie walking out maggie
holding a baby.

"Where's Lori?"

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