What happens now?*

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Amara's POV

"Hello princess." Merle said smiling.

"Merle." I said giving him a nod.

I didn't even acknowledge Daryl I was so mad. I wanted to reach across and punch him square in the face. On the other hand just seeing him put butterflies in my stomach.

"You know you could have gotten yourself killed Amara?"

"Yeah I know. I wasn't just gona leave him there daddy."

"I know that!....I'm proud of you."

"Thanks." I said jumping out of the truck.

Beth was the first to grab me.
"Thank you Amara thank you for not leaving him."

"It was nothing he wouldnt have done for me."

Maggie was next. "I can't thank you enough."

"Really theres no thanks needed."

"I'm so glad to see you. Thank you for Hershal." Glenn said.

"Anytime." I said hugging him.

"Girl what are we gona do with you?"
"Can't thank you enough." Hershal said hugging and kissing me forehead.

"You have a very brave girl here Rick you should be proud."

"Oh I definitely am."

"Really guys thats enough though thanks."

I walked back into the prison. I needed to clean up desperately. I went to my cell to grab towels and clothes.

"Yeah Daryl?"
"I'm sorry."
"Nothing to be sorry for. You did what you had to do."
"That's not really how you feel though is it?"
I turned facing him.
"How should I feel Daryl? This whole things has been one big giant mind fuck."

"You act like you hate me. Then you help me at the CDC and protected me. Then were cool. Then you tell me in the woods I mean nothing to you.
We lose Sophia. You tell me again I mean nothing to you. For months we don't talk. We get here. The first night we make out. Then nothing then we make out again. And you leave. So help me out here Daryl how and what am I suppose to feel?"

"I'm sorry I'm not good at this I've never. You know what forget it." He started to walk away.

"Be sure thats what ya want when ya walk out cause that'll be the last time you walk in." He stopped for just a second then he was gone.

That night I cried more than I ever have in my life. More than when my mom died even but the next morning waking up I had made a decision. If he didn't want me I wasn't wasting no more tears. I was done with Daryl Dixon.

I couldn't turn a corner here without running into Daryl. He would stare then walk away. Never saying a word.

Then again he wasn't really talking to anybody these days not even Merle.

"What are you doing to my brother princess?"

"Hello to you to Merle."

"What's going on with you and Darlina?"

"Darlina? Really Merle."

"Oh come on princess you use to be fun.
Speaking of which wana smoke?"

I smiled. "Yes I do."

Merle and I snuck out to the north west guard tower.

"Now come on I'm sharing you share."

"Ugh alright, what ya wana know?"

"Daryl what's going on?"

"Nothing there might have been,but now nothing."

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