Wolves and walkers*

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Maggie and I were sitting on Deanna's porch when we saw Megan one of the ladies here. Running past a dirty looking man behind her. We ran out to help her. Looking back there were people everywhere.

"Maggie help her I've got to get Carl and Judy."


Getting back to the house I found Carl and Enid sitting on the living room floor.

"Where's Judith? Are you alright? I asked.

"We're fine she's upstairs."

"I want you to take her and hide up in the attic.

Listen to me Carl you kill anyone that you don't know do you understand? Do not hesitate because they won't."

"Were are you going?"

"I have to help I'll be fine. You stay here. I'll be back for you soon."

I grabbed my other knifes and snuck out the back.

I made my way to the infirmary to help Denise.

People were being brought in faster than we could keep up with.
A girl named Holly was brought in with very bad injuries. We tried but she didn't make it. It hit Denise hard. She sent all of us away.

I found Michonne and Carol running toward the gate. Thats when i heard dad yelling.

"Open the gate!!!"

Opening the gate we see hundreds of walkers after him.

Michonne and I cleared the way for him to get in.

"Amara!" He said once inside the gate.
I hugged him tight. "What happened here."

Michonne told him about the attack.

"Carl and Judy?" He asked.
"Their fine daddy I just made sure." "Thank you baby." He said kissing my forehead.
"Dad...Daryl,Abe,Sasha are they okay?"
"I dont know I lost contact."
Everyone worked together to clean up the dead bodies.

The following day the bell tower fell knocking the fences down. Allowing walkers to pour in. Dad, Carl, Judy, Deanna, Michonne, Gabriel and I made it to Jessie's house.

Deanna had been bitten. Ron and Carl were at each others throats. Slowly the walkers started getting in. We blocked the stairs with a couch.

Dad and Michonne grabbed two walkers cutting them up. Using their blood on bed sheets to help mask our smell so we could leave.

I went to check on Deanna.

"They've gotten in the house the rest of us we have to go."

"I understand she said."

"I can do it if you want me to."

"No I'm not ready. Not yet I will be.

Soon I'll finish it. Dolor hic tibi properly olim."

"What does it mean?"

"Someday this pain will be useful to you."

I had tears in my eyes as she gripped my hand.

"Go they need you."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For believing."

"I still believe.Now go give em hell."

I left and went back to the others.

Putting on a sheet michonne and I covered it with walker blood.

We got ready to walk out.

"Daddy let me take Judith."

"If she starts crying Amara. You could...."

"I'll be fine. Let me have my sister. I got her."

He handed me Judy. Then kissed my forehead.

We slowly made our way out of the house. Dad taking the lead.

We all held hands as we stepped off the porch and into a sea of walkers.

The further from the house we got the more scared Sam became.

The new plan to get to the quarry get the cars lead them away. Gabriel took Judith to the church promising to keep her safe.

As it got dark Sam freaked out refusing to move. He started crying causing him to get bit.

Jessie started screaming then she was bit. She held tight to Carl's hand. Carl and I struggled to remove her hand from his arm.

Dad finally chopped it off getting him free. Ron Jessie's other son pointed a gun at dad. Just as he was about to shoot Michonne stabbed him. He fired a stray shot as he went down.

"Thank you." Dad mouthed.


I looked to Carl. He had been shot in the eye.

"God no please." I screamed.
He fell to the ground.

Dad picked him up running Michonne and I killing walkers as we headed to the infirmary.

We got there dad held onto me crying. Before removing his ax and stepping outside.

We watched as 1 by 1 he started killing walkers. Michonne and I followed along with Spencer, Heath and Aaron.

Slowly people started coming out to join.

There was a loud blast and the pond was engulfed in flames.

"Amara dont let up." Dad yelled.

Everyone continued to fight with all we had.

Once we had a clear path I saw Daryl running my way. He picked me up hugging me to him.

After dad and I along with the others returned to the infirmary. Dad talked to Carl telling him what had happened.
He cried begging him to wake up.

"Daddy." I said looking down as Carl gripped my hand.

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