Another Loss*

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Things seem to be going progressively well. Dad and Michonne were given the job of officers.

Aaron offered Daryl Erics spot as recruiter which he accepted along with a motorcycle.
I was working in the infirmary with Pete. Which honestly I wasn't to happy about. Pete could be a little handsy. Dad Carol and Daryl kept sneaking off. Making me suspicious as to what they were doing.

Daryl was leaving with Aaron today. His first recruiting thing.

"You becareful." I heard dad say to him as he was getting ready to leave.

"Always am." He said.

I walked up to Aaron who was standing beside Daryl.

"Here's a first aid kit Pete and I put together for you."

"Thanks Amara that's great Aaron said. Keep an eye on Eric for me will ya??"

I laughed."Of course."

I liked Aaron and Eric. So hanging with Eric wouldn't be a big deal.

"Becareful on that run today." Aaron said.

"Your going on a run?" Daryl asked.

"Yeah, I am."

"Why? They got enough people. For that."

"I volunteered."

"Of course you did. Rick know?"

"I'm grown Daryl I dont need anyones permission."

"You shouldnt even be going!"

"Well that's non of you bussiness anymore."

"I should get going. Becareful okay?"

Aaron looked between Daryl and I he gave me a knowing smile.

"We will dont worry." He said giving me a quick hug.

I glanced to Daryl who was messing with his bow.

"Bye." I said walking away.

Jax ran up to me just as I started walking towards the infirmary.

"Hey you."


"So what's the plan today?"

"I'm going on the run here soon."

"Who alls going?" He asked.

"Noah,Glenn,Eugene,Aiden,Nicholas and me."


"I laughed. "My thoughts exactly."

We loaded up to go on the run.
Glenn and I talked most of the way.
Giving Noah a hard time about some girl he was into.

When we got to the spot first thing we done was check the area.

I got stuck with Eugune. I had never realized how annoying he could be.

We entered the building on the north side. Once inside we found a group of walkers behind a chain fence. Eugune and I quickly found what we were needing.

A walker in Army issues came at us Adien continued to shoot. Even though Glenn told him not to. He hit a gernade on the walkers uniform causing a mild explosion. Aiden was impaled by the explosion.

"Amara,Noah,Eugene."I heard Glenn yell.

"The fence is open their getting out. We gotta move."Glenn said.

Shooting a flair to distract the walkers Eugune went to get the van while we tried to save Aiden.

Nicholas ran not helping we couldn't save Aiden.

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