Coming Back*

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The man's name was Morgan. He was the man who had help dad back at the start when dad left the hospital.

I sat on the couch listening as they talked. Daryl and Morgan eating dinner leftovers. Occasionally Daryl would glance my way.

After speaking for awhile. Dad and Daryl took Morgan to the makeshift cell. Dad had told him it was only because we had to be cautious.

When they came back dad and Daryl sat with me in the livingroom. Dad filling Daryl in on what had been happening. When they got around to Noah,Dad looked to me and started telling him.

Not wanting to relive it again. I went out on the porch to sit. The night air was just the slightest but nippy.

Shortly after Daryl came out and sat beside me.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

"It's a bit chilly."

He took off his jacket handing it to me.

"Thank you." I said.

"Mmm." He grunted.

We sat for awhile neither of us saying anything.

"Hope I'm not interupting." Aaron said walking up onto the porch.

"Your good." I said.

"I just wanted to stop by and say I was sorry. I heard about Noah."

"Thank you."

"Also Eric wanted me to invite you to dinner tommrow night. Both of you. It's some pretty serious spaghetti." He said looking between Daryl and I.

I chuckled. "Okay."

"Good,we'll see ya both there then?" He asked looking at Daryl.


"I should get going. Don't wana interupt any longer. I know Daryl needed to talk to you." He smiled.

Looking at Daryl who looked somewhat amused.

I looked between the two confused.

"Well see you tommrow."

"Bye Aaron." I said.

"Hmm." Daryl grunted.

We sat quietly for the next few minutes.

"Was there something you wanted to say?" I asked.

"We were trapped in a car. He started. Surrounded by walkers. It didn't look good."

He paused like he was unsure what to say next.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah." He said looking at me for the first time in a long time the way he use to.

I quickly turned my head. He continued telling me about what had happened with him and Aaron. How Morgan saved them.

I didn't wana look at him for fear he'd see the tears on my cheeks. The thought of him dying of not coming back was to much.

Barely above a whisper he said. "I messed up Amara. When she died I blamed myself. I blamed you."

I turned to look at him questioning.

"When you found us. I was happy,being with you again was all that mattered.

Then when we found her. I realize once I had you. I just stopped looking. I didn't try to find her to help her. So I blamed you."

I shook my head slightly. Finally understanding somewhat.

"I shouldn't have it wasn't anywhere near your fault. I'm sorry. For everything. I didn't stop loving you,I still do."

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