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"We did alot today, and I know everyone's tired. Tommrow we need just a little more. We clear the court yard and we slowly work our way in. This place could be a gold mine. There could be a fully stocked kitchen or infirmary." Dad said.

We all agreed.

Dad,Daryl,Glenn,Maggie,T-dog and I would push in tommrow.

"Can I talk you out of going?" Dad said.


"Didn't think so."

"You did good yesterday. I don't want ya to get hurt. Your my little girl."

"Daddy. Maggie's someones daughter to."

"I know..when did you get so grown up?"

"It's been happening for awhile you just didn't notice." I chuckled.

"You'll always be my little girl no matter how grown you get."

"Love you daddy"

"Love you tater tot"

I laughed. "Really daddy?"

"Hey you use to love that." He laughed.

"Ya when I was five."

I didn't realize the whole group was listening to us until I heard a few chuckles.

"Ok here we go."Dad said.

We stayed as close together as we could taking out walkers as they came to us.

The side gate that needed locked was full of walkers. There was four dead guards in riot gear. We struggled with those until Maggie and I realized to go under the helmets.

We smiled as the boys followed suit. After getting the court yard clear. We went into the prison. We had seen a civilian walker so we had to make sure we weren't over run.

We came across just a couple walkers as we cleared the first cell block. Daryl got keys from the guard tower for all the cells. When we were sure the block was clear we went and got the others.

Glenn: Home sweet home.
Rick:At least for now.
Lori: Is it secure?
Dad: This cell block is.
Hershal: And the rest?
Dad: Tomorrow will look for the cafeteria and the infirmary
Beth: Do we sleep in the cells?
Dad: For the time being.
Rick: Daryl and I have a set of keys.
Daryl: I aint sleeping in no cage I'll take the perch.

I laughed at him and went off to find my own cell. I took one upstairs furthest from the others.

I saw Lori and Carol putting their things in a cell about 6 spaces down.

Everyone was off settling into their cells.

I laid down on the bed. Its actually not that terrible.

"Kind of far from everyone else don't you think?" Dad said.

"That's why I chose this one. Its been so long since we've had any kind of privacy."

"I suppose your rite....Look I wanted to talk to you about tommrow. I want you to sit this one out."


"You've pulled your weight and proved yourself the last two days."

"Yeah and I can keep doing that."

"There's going to be dark spots we cant see. I'm afraid something will happen to you."

"Daddy if I sit out tommorw you don't get to ask me to do it again. I'm a big girl. You have to let go a little."

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