Tainted Music*

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Amara's POV

"Daddy have you seen Daryl?"
"No I haven't have you seen Carol or     Bob?"
"Carol went with Daryl to get water earlier. Haven't seen them since."

Dad turned on Gabriel pushing him against the wall.
"What have you done with our people?"
"I did nothing I've been here the whole time."
"Who else is here?"
"Noone is here with me. I swear it."
"If you or someone with you has done something to them. You will die."

Abraham wanted to leave to head to Washington.

"I'm not leaving without Daryl." I said.
"None of us are leaving till their found."Dad agreed.
"We can't wait we can take some now the rest come later."
After much debate. Glenn promised him and Maggie would leave with them tommrow if they would stay and help find the others.

After searching everything near by. There was no sign of Daryl,Carol or Bob.

I sat with Sasha trying to stay strong.

"Do you think their ok?." She asked.

"I squeezed her hand. " I hope so."

I got up to go stand outside with dad.

"Hey sweatheart you okay?"
I shrugged my shoulders slightly shaking my head.

Pulling me into a hug. "We'll find him baby don't worry Daryl's a survivor."

"I know but I just got him back." I cried.

"I'm sorry baby everyth.....we heard a noise coming from the side of the church. A few of the others came out having heard the noise to.

Dad Abraham and I cautiously made our way towards the sound.

We found Bob laying there half his leg missing. Walkers started coming from every direction. Tara and Sasha grabbed Bob while the rest of us fought off walkers. Once inside Bob started telling us what had happened.

"I was knocked out in the graveyard. When I woke up I was at what looked like a school. That Gareth guy and five others were setting there eating my leg like it was nothing."

"Did they have Daryl and Carol." Dad asked looking to me.

"Gareth said he seen them drive off."

"Do we have anything for pain." Sasha asked?

Rosita went to get the meds when Bob stopped her.

"Save it."He said struggling to sit up. He moved his shirt from his shoulder revieling a walker bite.

My heart broke for Sasha.

"There's a sofa in my office its not much but." Gabriel said.

Sasha sat with Bob while the rest of us worked out what to do. The plan was to make Gareth and his group believe we had split up leaving us somewhat defenseless.

The following day Bob passed Ty put him down.

I sat watching Sasha cry at Bob's grave and I worried about Daryl. I could easily be in Sasha's place. I didn't realize tears were rolling down my face till Carl handed me a bandana.

"Daryl's ok ya know?"

"How do you know?"

"Cause he's strong. He'll be back I know he will."

I hugged him thanking him.
We sat on the steps of the church talking. It was amazing how much Carl had grown up.

As the sun began to set. Those of us staying hauled up in church office. While the others left.

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