The aftermath*

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I ran back to my tent. Bawling my eyes out cursing myself for ever having any feelings for Daryl Dixon.

When I finally left my tent heading back to the main house. I found out that Hershal had ran off Dad and Glenn went to get him.

They had been gone awhile. Lori went and asked Daryl to go after them and he refused. So she was gona go herself.

"Lori you can't go out there alone. I'll go with you."
"What about Carl?" I'll ask Patricia to keep an eye on him.

After getting Carl taken care of Lori and I took off.

"Your what?" I said. Trying to act like I didnt know about what Lori had just told me.

"Your dad Glenn Hershal their the only ones that know." She said.

I sat there unsure what to say.

Before I had time to think of anything two walkers were in the road.

"Lori watch out" I screamed. I remember fliping onto our side then everything went black.

Rick's POV

We got back to the farm with Randall the kid we saved back in town after his buddies tried to kill us.

Lori and Carl came running. I hugged and kissed them both.

"Where's Amara." I asked.

Everyone went silent and looked down. My heart sank.

"Lori where's my daughter?"

She's inside Rick...but listen there was an accident.

"Accident?"I said running to the house hollering for Hershal to follow me.

She was laying on the bed bruises all over and a bandaged wrapped around her head.

"Baby it's me daddy's here.Hershal whats wrong with her?"

"I need someone to tell me what
happened." Hershal said.

"We were in a car wreck the car flipped twice. She didn't have a seat belt on. She ....(crying) she was trying to keep me from taking the impact because of the baby. Rick I'm so sorry. She hasn't woke up."

"When did this happen?"

"Yesterday around 2pm. Shane didn't find us till around 8pm."

"Alright Patricia Maggie you stay everyone else out so I can examine her."

"I'm not leaving her." I said.

"This is my fault.If I hadn't left. I grabbed her hand.

"Baby I'm so sorry please wake up baby girl please."

"Take him out."Hershal said.

Shane and Daryl grabbed me leading me out of the room 30minutes later Hershal came out.

"I redressed her wounds as far as I can tell nothing's broken. Seems to be no internal bleeding. The wound on her head is the problem. Without an MRI I can't be certain. Her eyes are dilated which isn't good." He paused.

"Rick 48hrs is the usual wait on a head injury this severe. If she doesn't wake up before then. There's a 90% chance she won't wake up at all."

I ran back into the room.

"Baby please wake up for daddy please. Oh god Amara don't leave me." I sobbed onto her shoulder.

Shane's POV

I couldn't help but cry as I watched Rick cry over her begging her to come back. I knew how he felt I had done the same thing the night before and I'm pretty sure Dixon had to. The more I watched though the madder I got. This was his fault again he had put someone else above his family above his daughter. If something happened and she died I'm not sure I could stop myself from sending him with her.

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