12- Gunner (EDITED)

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Punishment is the most exciting yet misunderstood aspect of erotic power in relationships. And sexual discipline can be a fun way to help correct behaviors that need adjustment. It's not about having control over someone or being cruel to them; it's about trust and being worthy of their trust.

With trust comes power and happiness—Aria's happiness.

After getting to know Aria and seeing how she portrays herself, I've noticed she allows her fears to control her life, painting herself as someone she truly isn't while hiding her true self behind her irresistible skin.

Aria is a beautiful person inside and out, but she lacks one thing: self-assurance. So my goal with her is to teach her self-restraint and how to grow as a person.

It's all there; she just hasn't figured it out yet.

I have a strong desire to help Aria find herself. With high hopes, she'll discover what she likes and doesn't like, figure out her strengths and weaknesses, how not to be afraid of herself, listen to her instincts, and reflect on the woman she truly is.

"Let's get out of here," I told her as I lifted her into my arms.

"I can walk, you know," she protested, trying to get out of my arms. Of course, I know she can walk, but this is my way of starting with her punishment.

As we entered the club area and neared Neron, her friend, and brother, she tried wiggling out of my arms again. "Gunner, please. Put me down; you're embarrassing me."

I looked down, and with a smile, I shook my head. "Not yet, beautiful. After fainting and yelling the safe word for the entire crowd to hear, after I warned that was a private word between us, this is the start of your punishment," I informed, as Justin stepped in front of us, looking at Aria worried.

"How's she doing?"

"I'm fine," she hissed. "Someone's just acting like a worrywart, refusing to let me walk out of here on my own."

"I'm not refusing; you earned this," I winked after she looked at me with a scowled look.

Justin laughed. "Well, I'm glad she's okay. I guess we can say she tried."

I looked at her, then at him, and smirked. "She tried, yes." Not hard enough, though. "But I knew it would happen," I said, looking at Aria.

Justin rested his hand on my shoulder and grinned. "You did good tonight."

"The fight went better than I thought."

Justin chuckled, then his brows drew together. "The tiger looked like he gained some weight from the last time I saw him fight. He wasn't as quick as he used to be, either."

"I noticed that too," I agreed. "But that's okay; it just made tonight's fight easier for me."

My arms tightened when Aria thought she could get out of my grip. I looked down, cocking a brow. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I want to stand. I'm not hurt, and I'm not a little child."

A giggle escaped Nikki, and as Aria looked her way, Nikki tightened her lips, then giggled again. "You're fine, Aria. I wish Justin would carry me like that."

"It's embarrassing," Aria scoffed.

"If anything, you should be embarrassed about fainting in front of everyone," Nikki mentioned with a grin. She looked at Justin, then at Aria. "Well, I think we're going to get going. I have to work in the morning."

"We'll talk later," I told her.

"Thanks for inviting us," Nikki smiled. "It was fun!"

I nodded. "You're welcome," I said, turning, refusing to set Aria down after she begged that I do.

Gunner (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now