32- Gunner (EDITED)

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I didn't like Aria and Nikki dancing on the crowded dance floor, but there was no way I was about to forbid her from having any fun while we were here. I also didn't bring Aria to Malaysia for her to feel like I was her ball and chain. So, I blocked out the music and intensely focused on the girls.

This nightclub was much different from mine, and so far, it's been a relief seeing the men dancing around the girls, leaving them alone because had we been at my club, I probably would've had to escort those men away from my girl by now. If not accompanying the men out of the club, there'd be a fight instead.

While watching the girls have fun, I felt someone repeatedly tapping me on my shoulder. Instead of seeing if it was another fan wishing to have a picture with me, I ignored them and continued watching the girls.

I hate ignoring fans of mine wishing to say hello, ask for an autograph, or take a picture with me. But right now, I have to. We're at a packed nightclub in a country we know nothing about, and someone is looking for revenge by taking another one of my girls away from me. So I refused to look anywhere else until my girl and her friend came back to the table.

"Gunner, there's a woman behind you, trying to get your attention," Justin said, waving his hand in my line of view, trying to grab my attention.

"I don't care right now. Whoever she is can stand beside me if she wants to talk. I'm busy keeping an eye on our girls."


My brows lowered.

The woman's voice... her voice sounds familiar.

Very familiar.

"Gunner?" she said again. "It's me, Suri."

You've got to be kidding me. I thought that's who it was.

I groaned, lowered my eyes to my empty glass, then sighed as I picked up my glass, brought it to my mouth, and drank every drop of liquid inside it.

I couldn't believe she was in Malaysia and here where I was with my girl.

What the fuck is she doing here?

"Do you know her?" Justin asked, looking from me to her.

My eyes quickly shot over to Neron, giving him a look that told him I wanted him to watch the girls.

"Yeah, I know her," I groaned, trying not to look at her.

"Turn around and give me a hug; it's been such a long time!" she begged, shaking my shoulder.

I'm not fucking turning around to give her any time of day. The woman is nuts. And I'm definitely not hugging her.

"Suri, I'm a little busy at the moment, and I'm in no mood to talk. And there's no way I'm giving you a damn hug," I groaned. "Especially you."

"Come on, Gunner. I flew out here to watch you fight, hoping that I'd run into you. And before I forget to say it, congratulations on your win. You did good and deserved that win!"

This woman is delusional.

"Okay, you said what you had to say. Now go away," I said, focusing harder on the dance floor, but then out the corner of my eye, I saw her lean around me, trying to get my attention and wishing I'd look at her.

It's not working.

Well, it wasn't working until she kissed the corner of my mouth. "Talk to me, Gunner. I've missed you. I've missed us..."

I pushed her sway from me, quickly stood, then did what I didn't want to do. I looked at the one woman I've despised for years. "Suri, I think it's time for you to leave. I'm here with my girlfriend, and I don't need you ruining our time here."

Gunner (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now