26- Aria (EDITED)

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It had to be when I was with Gunner to run into Cole; out of all times, it had to be at a place Gunner owns.

What are the odds of that?

I haven't seen or heard from Cole since the day I broke it off with him. So when he came over to me, putting his hands on me as if we had never broken up, saying he regrets leaving me for his secretary, and asking that I take him back like it was no big deal for what he'd done, shocked me. He didn't ask that I take him back; he begged. I also wanted to put everything Gunner and Neron taught me to good use for thinking it was okay to touch and have his lips on me.


Does Cole honestly think I'm that stupid to take him back?

Never would I ever take him back.

It's like the old saying, once a cheater, always a cheater. So why would I be dumb enough to leave Gunner for him and put myself in the same position of feeling disconsolate as before?

I have no idea what was so important Cole had to tell me, and I couldn't care less. I just wanted him to leave before Gunner felt threatened by Cole and where he felt the need; he'd have to beat the living crap out of him. But, unfortunately, he didn't leave before Gunner came back, and now I'll have to talk about the one person I hoped to forget.

Gunner looked disturbed as his eyes anchored on me, wishing to know why Cole said what he did. However, he also looked concerned, which worried me as well.

I had no answer to why Cole threatened us. So I shrugged my shoulder and sighed, "I have no idea what he meant by that."

Hmm, he hummed.

"What did he say to you before I got over to you?"

I know Gunner won't like hearing why Cole confronted me, but since we're both asking, to be honest, he needs to know, even if it upsets him. "He told me he regrets leaving me for his secretary and begged that I take him back."

His arms folded against his chest, and then he raised a brow while asking, "Would you?"

"Would I what?"

"Take him back?"

My eyes widened quickly, surprised by his question. "Hell no! Are you crazy?"

"Why not?"

The corner of his lip curled into a devilish smirk, with a glint of amusement in his eyes. If I knew any better, he's messing with me to get me riled up.

And it's working.

"Because I fell in love with someone else. But if he's willing to let me go, maybe I'll reconsider," I teased, giving it right back to him to see how he'd react. But my snarky tone may cause him to want to discipline me, which is fine. I'm in the mood for it, anyway.

His eyes squinted. "I would never let you go," he groaned.

He uncrossed his arms, reached for me, then pulled me onto his lap, nudging my hair away with his nose to get to my ear. And when he spoke, it made the hair on my arms stand tall. "If you left me for that wanna-be fighting weasel, someone will be sorry."

Excuse me?

Wanna-be fighting weasel?

I turned my head, furrowing my brows when our eyes met. I raised my hand and then used my fingertips to push his chin, moving his face further away from mine. "Is that a threat to me?"

"I didn't say you; I said someone... meaning your ex."

I tilted my head to the side as I studied his face. "Truth or dare?"

Gunner (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now