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¤ Everyone's Against Me ¤

7:23am, Friday

My eyes fluttered open as I woke up the next morning. I started to remember what happened last evening with Gavin and then with Blake. I still felt terrible for pulling him away from his night, but he didn't seem to mind at least. We watched a movie so that I could get my mind off of everything. His daughter joined and I got to meet her from over the phone. She sounded so adorable. There was only one moment when I turned to Blake during the movie because I still couldn't stop thinking about Gavin, but he made a joke, redirecting my mind back to the movie. I was so glad I had him by my side last evening. Without him, I wasn't sure what my night would have looked like.

I turned over on the couch, accidentally knocking my phone to the ground.

"Shit..." I cursed under my breath as I got up to retrieve it. I pick it up from off my carpet, only to be met with the time. The bliss from last night was no longer there. It was replaced with feelings of panic and anxiety. I had work today and somewhat early too. I had completely forgotten that I would have needed to set an alarm. Now I had less than ten minutes to look decent.

"Fuck!" I sprinted from off the couch and up the stairs to my bedroom to change. As I quickly pulled an outfit from my wardrobe, I started to remember how tired I was getting last night near the end of the movie. I had changed my position so I was laying down, but I shouldn't have. I must have fell asleep at some point. Well, it was nice of Blake to let me sleep I guess. I did need the rest. I was working crazy hours now, having maybe an hour a day around lunch and then working into the early morning some nights. Yesterday, I was lucky by getting off just after five. A few things I was supposed to be dealing with at that time were moved to today.

How great...

I moved onto my appearance after I changed, quickly brushing out my hair and adding a thin layer of makeup. I then made my way out the door as I recieved a text from my driver that he was here to pick me up. I had completely forgotten about breakfast, but I supposed that I would pick something up during that hour I got today near lunch.

When I was in the car, I decided to actually check my phone. There was a message from Blake. I opened it.


Hey, I'm sorry I had to hang up on u. I didn't want to wake you cuz I know you fell asleep, I could hear your cute snores. Anyways, have a good day Sunshine!

I found myself giggling at his message. He called my snores cute! I wondered how I found that so funny. Usually when people complimented on anything about myself, I would feel disgusting, like they were lying. This was just funny, though, and kind of heart warming. Snores weren't supposed to be cute, but somehow he thought mine were.

I could feel a blush cross my cheeks. This had been happening for a while now everytime I talked to Blake.

And there was that nickname again, the one I loved so much. He had been calling me that for the past few days. It made me feel like I actually meant something to someone. It made me feel kind of... special. I doubted I was really that special though. Gavin made it clear that I was nothing special in his eyes. He could have lost me so many times, but he had me in his grip. I couldn't run, I was too scared to.


Thanks, Blake. I'm glad you think that part of me is cute! You're a funny man. And please, never stop calling me by that nickname. I love it ♡

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