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¤ Improvement ¤

Tuesday, 9:30am


Hey Sunshine, how are you today?

Blake's text message woke me up that morning and I wouldn't say I was complaining - it was nice being checked on by him - but from what happened yesterday, I was exhausted. My headache was back and today, I strangely felt sick to my stomach. I prayed the feeling would go away soon.

I wrapped my covers tighter around me, responding to Blake before putting my phone down again. I wasn't supposed to be on my phone too much because of my concussion. Although it was minor, my screen could still make it worse.


I'm okay, could be better. How are you, cowboy?

As I awaited a response, my mind kept going back to yesterday. It was so much fun hanging out with Blake and August, but Gavin ruined that, of course. After I got those texts from him, I couldn't stop thinking about all the damage that would be done to me. What if Blake didn't believe me next time? Would he run? Would he be gone from my life forever? It was completely possible that he could dump me any moment now.

But I hoped he wouldn't. He was the only thing making me happy these days.


I'm good. Whats going on?


Just not feeling the best physically, that's all.

No, that wasn't all.


Are u sure? Yesterday you got quiet after we gave you a moment alone... just want to make sure u are okay

When I saw that message come through, a heavy sigh escaped my lips. I didn't want to talk about this, to get into this with him. I was afraid, I'd admit that, but I also didn't want to burden him with all my problems. He didn't have to hold that weight on his shoulders along with me.


Everything's fine. It's just this constant headache that's bothering me.


If u insist... I only want to help, Gwen. You can tell me anything. I hope u know that

After that text came through, I briefly questioned if I should tell him about Gavin and what he sent me yesterday. But no, it was no big deal, nothing I couldn't handle on my own.


You don't need to worry about me, Blake. How's August today? She's a sweet girl.


She's great. She couldn't stop talking last night about how nice and cool of a person u are. My friend Adam and I couldn't believe how much of an influence you had on her in 1 day. She wants to be like u now


Wow... I'm glad she likes me.


Of course she does, who couldn't like u?

Why was Blake always so sure that everyone likes me? Him and his daughter are the first people to be that nice to me in quite a while. Many people hated my guts right now. Especially the ones who believed everything the media said, but they had their reasons to. Gavin had brought up some pretty good points and blended in some really good lies that were believable for anyone.

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