Part 1

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Sophocles has just won the trial. He had won his z-crystal. We had a celebration that night for him. Once everything had started to fully clear up it was only me, Kiawe and Mallow.
"Hey, Im going to go home now!" Mallow called out. It was half eleven at night. Kukui had asked if she wanted walking home but she declined. We fully cleared up just after midnight. "Hey, Kiawe! When do you plan on setting off?" I asked.
"Oh... I have forgotten about that. Huh. Well I don't think I should be travelling over to Akala Island this late. Do you mind if I crash at yours, do you?" He asked.
"Oh, no it's fine. I'm sure Kukui will allow it." I said. I walked over to where he was relaxing. "Hey, is it alright if Kiawe stays over? It is a bit late,"
"Hmm, sure."

"Hey Kiawe! Kukui says it's fine!" I called out.
"I will sleep on the couch, you can sleep up on my bed, I have just gotten it."
"Hmm? You can sleep up there with me you know?" He said
"Huh- oh you sure?" I asked. I scratched my head.
"Yeah, it's fine."
We slept up on the attic thing. We woke up the next day at ten. Thank god it is a Saturday, huh?
"Hey, what time is it Ash?" Kiawe muttered.
"It's 10," I replied. Ugh. I wish I hadn't stayed up so late. I turned to look at him and saw that he was topless. He was sitting up and looking for something he had dropped on the floor.

I decided to get up and grab some breakfast.
"Pikachu? You hungry?" I ask.
"okay bud!" I poured him some Pokemon food and made myself some bacon.
"Hey! Kiawe!" I said.
"Yeah?" He replied.
"You want some?"

I served it up and placed it on the table. I called him down and placed some cutlery down. "Do you want something to drink?"
"We have fresh orange or apple juice, water and milk,"
"Hmm.. can I have some orange juice please?"
"Of course." I turned around and poured a glass of orange and a glass of water. I brought them over to the table. Kiawe ate his food quickly.
"Oh, this is good," he said "but not as
good as Mallows,"
"I agree," Kiawe chuckled.
Kiawe made his way home and I started on the project I was working on.

"Ash!" Kukui shouted. I was startled.
"What's up?"
"Lusamine needs you and the rest of the Ultra Guardians to go to the base."
"Oh! I will be right there!" I ran to the school and waited for everyone to get there. Sophocles was last, of course. We pulled up the board and went onto our stations. We got our uniforms on and rushed up to the screen.

"There ha... an ul.... Ula'U.... " Lusamines voice kept fading in and out of my mind. I couldn't tell why. All I could think of was Kiawe. I don't know why though. Was it last night? This morning? Or was I just sleep deprived? I guess now that I think back I did have a rough night. But why? What was causing that dream?

"All we can do is just wait it out. We will have to watch what it does. It could be friendly like Poipole." Lusamine finally said.
"Well, every once in a while I can fly over to Ula'Ula island when I'm free." Kiawe said.
"Ok, we will have someone posted there as well, Kiawe" Wicke said.

"Ash?" I heard someone say "Ash? You good?" I looked up and saw Kiawe, still in his Ultra Guardian Uniform. It was hugging his body and made him look better then he already did. He had a panicked look on his face.
"Oh.. hey," I said. I looked up at him and made eye contact.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I'm not sure. I think I fell unconscious the whole time. I remember looking at the screen as Lusamine spoke but I don't remember anything other then to wait and you going to check on Ula'ula Island every once in a while," I said.
"Did you actually sleep last night?" He had that look on his face that I could only describe as concern. I could hear it in his voice.
"Well, I did, but it was very rough. I don't know why though. I don't know what caused that dream. All I remember is last night then waking up at three, I saw you asleep. I got up and I don't know what happened afterwards." I said.
"Do you want me to take you home? You look pale."
"Mmm thad would be nicccccce...." I was half conscious at this point. He took me back to the classroom and put me on his Charizard. He flew me to my house and told the situation to Professor Burnet and she let us in. He put me down on the couch and grabbed a pillow and blanket from my bed and put the pillow under my head and flung the blanket over me.
"See you, and rest well," he said. He smiled at me and left. I quickly dosed off immediately after he left. The same dream happened. This time I knew what was happening. I got up, saw Kiawe sleeping on the same bed as me, and went downstairs. I decided to wake up Pikachu and he climbed on my shoulder. We went outside and saw Greninja. He was already in the Ash-Greninja form and was ready for a battle. I woke up. I was sweating.
"Oh, Ash!" Burnet said. "Did you sleep well?"
"O..oh. That dream. I had it again. I can remember more of it now."
"I- do you want a drink?" She asked.
"Just some water, if that's alright with you," I mumbled. She got a glass and filled it up with some water. She placed it on the table in front of me. She went back to where she was working. I took a sip. Then another. I continued to do this until it had been emptied. I looked at the time and saw it was seven at night.

"Hey, I'm going out for a walk if that is alright."
"Of course Ash. Get back before nightfall, if you can't just message me!" Burnet replied with.

I got up, walked out the house and closed the door. I walked towards the Pokemon school. I looked up and saw a Charizard. It started to come down. On its back was Kiawe.
"Hey ash! I was just coming to check on you!" He called out. I looked at him.
"Thanks for taking me home, Kiawe. I wouldn't of made it myself," I said. I had no other words to say. I don't know why. "Oh! I have decided that I am going home for a week tomorrow. Kukui and Burnet already know,"
"Oh.. what about-"
"Don't worry!" I added. "It's only gonna be me and Pikachu, so if you need them you can use my Pokemon."
"Oh, right. I hope nothing does happen. We already have that Ultra Beast that we are keeping an eye on,"
"What was its name Kiawe?" I asked
"Oh, they haven't decided on one yet. I don't think there is a need really,"

1229 words

An Electric Flame. Kiawe x Ash (ZRingShipping)Where stories live. Discover now