Chapter 31 execute the order

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(Bly's perspective)

2 days later

It was midday on Felucia and we were closing in of Caedus our forces we had just finished the battle against a platoon of battle droids. Luminara's forces has moved ahead to Caedus and had engaged him we were on the move in there direction it seemed like the battle on Felucia was almost over that means so was the time with the republic it was a honour serving alongside my brothers and Aayla. Our battalion stopped to rest so I thought I would take this time to talk to Aayla. She was sat looking at a Rancor in the far distance I came up behind her "Aayla" I spoke softly she turned around and smiled "Bly" she replied and walked over and our hands met. I didn't want my time with her to end but I knew I was just giving myself false hope.

My helmet was on as I looked down at her "I'm going to miss you" she smirked softly holding back water in her eyes. "I'll miss you too" I embraced when she finished as I knew tomorrow I'll be off this planet and I'll never be able to see her again. I didn't know how long we were stood there for but it didn't matter I wanted to stay beside her as long as possible. Finally I let her go and I looked down at my wrist and noticed I was getting a urgent transmission "you better go answer it" she smirked I nodded as I kissed her forehead and walked away from her. She looked back where the Rancor was but it was long gone by now but I think she just wanted to look into the distance. I moved back took of my helmet clipping it to my side and accepted the transmission and a cloaked figure appeared it was the supreme chancellor what did he want.

"Commander Bly the time is here" every word was painfully slow.

"Execute order 66" I then when he said 66 for some reason I knew who he was he was Darth Sidious my leader.

"It will be done my Lord" I replied the cloaked figure disappeared but I didn't feel like myself it felt as if someone had taken over my body and I just there to watch as I pulled my rifle off my hip and turned around to see Aayla. Once I saw her I felt betrayed she had betrayed the republic and she will be dealt with through lethal force. As I walked toward her it felt wrong but I had my orders she has betrayed all of us. I walked behind her silently and lifted my rifle far enough away so she could hear me as I placed my hand on the trigger I tried to press it but I couldn't I was fighting my self the rifle just shaking violently in my hands. I felt so close to firing but for some reason I moaned in pain she turned around and a a mixture of shock and confusion was spread across her face.

"Bly what are you doing" she asked I felt water build up in my eyes.

I tried to pull the trigger but I muttered one word "run" she took a step back "what do you mean".

"RUN" I shouted as I fired she ducked down hitting the cellophane flower behind her "kill me" I muttered as she ignited her lightsaber but she shook her head "please save yo—" stopped my self speaking as I fired again she deflected the 2 blasts. "the Jedi" I heard one of my brothers shout behind me she ran off into the Felucian jungle as my brothers joined me. I wanted to chase but I couldn't. "Are you okay sir?" Flash questioned as I took my helmet off my hip and lowered by rifle I've realised the mistake I made I should've shot her "yeah yeah I'm fine" I replied as the helmet met my head. "Listen if you find Aayla Secura or Luminara Unduli open fire as they have both been accused of treason against the republic and anyone who doesn't cooperate with this order will be executed along with the traitor Aayla Secura and Luminara Unduli understood" I ordered and they all stood to attention "yes General" they replied.

"Miles and Martin take a platoon of men with you and search this entire jungle" they nodded and ran off to the rest of the troops "what do you need us for general" Galle questioned I put a hand on the commanders shoulder "I need a meeting with you 3 in holomap tent to see where we should look now move it" Flash,Dug and Galle all rushed toward the holomap room with me following behind them.

(Aayla's perspective)

20 minutes

What has happened my troops who I fought side by side with has turned against me. I don't know what's happened to them including the one I trust the most Bly he told me to kill him but I couldn't not to him it must have been that transmission he got were they always planning to do this or are they being forced I don't understand this thoughts filled my head but I don't have time to think I need to get off this planet now and try and figure out what's going on. I then heard some troops walking toward my direction "let's go let's go" I heard one shout I hid behind some foliage an entire platoon of men traveled through the area. But luckily they didn't see me.

"Gotcha" I heard a voice next to me say it was Miles he fired but I forced pushed him back only for him to get Impaled on a spike he dropped his DC-15s blaster Carbine as he moaned in pained until it stopped and silence filled the humid air. I was heavily breathing I had just killed on of my troops I felt horrible he was one of troops and I killed him. "Open fire" I heard as blue blasts shit past my face I ducked down ignited my lightsaber and deflected the blasts back not hitting any of my troops. But then a loud roar came out of the foliage behind the troops suddenly the Rancor I was observing earlier came out and picked up Martin and bit down on the poor troop until he went limp "move back" I heard a clone shout as they all moved away and started firing at the animal the creature began to attack them I used this time to slip away. I was hurt by the betrayal I'd didn't understand any of this my own troops betrayed me Bly betrayed me.

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