Chapter 42 save her

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(Image of inquisitor Aayla or the 4th sister)

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(Image of inquisitor Aayla or the 4th sister)

(Bly's perspective)

Later that night we had located there ship back to Nur and Kanan suspected that it might be their base is. But I couldn't get over the fact that Aayla was one them we weren't going to kill her were we. I can't let her die not like this I need her back I can't live with the fact that I killed Aayla I already tried once and it was horrible I don't even want to imagine doing it pulling the trigger on the one I love. "Bly" Hera said from across the table this shook me out of my thoughts and back to reality "are you still with us?" She questioned and I nodded quickly "good" she smirked. "Because I want you here" I was confused why would they not want me to help I'm getting Aayla out of there wether they like it or not. "I'm sorry Hera but why?" A frown came across her face as she looked at Ezra next to her and he looked at me as he spoke.

"Well since Aayla is the 4th sister were worried that your feelings will hurt your choices and end up risking the mission" it hurt like a lightsaber to the chest so they just want me to let her die that can't be what they want can it?

"So you want me to stay here and let her die" I asked as I thought they were good people how was this a good thing. Zeb put a hand on my shoulder with sympathy in his eyes and Kanan looked at me "Bly their saying is once an inquisitor always and inquisitor, I'm sorry but she's not coming back" my helmet under my right arm fell out of my hand as he finished. "Alright I'll you'll go over the mission" I said slowly sorrow filling my voice and eyes I picked up my helmet and walked out of the room.

(Hera's perspective)

We had arrived at Nur and strangely enough there were no imperial ships probably because this planet is so isolated very few knew it was here and even less knew the inquisitors were here. As we got lower down and the ghost crew got in the phantom and took off I stay back as we couldn't risk being seen as I landed quite a distance away and finally relaxed I decided to go check on Bly who was probably in his bed. I got up from the pilots seat and headed toward the room as I stood outside I knocked on the door "Bly" I said softly but no reply. I then clicked the button to try and open the door but it didn't open it said it was locked. I knocked on the door again and nothing it's then when I decided to look up and noticed that the vent was slightly out of place "oh no" I said in a panic. Then I override the controls to the door and it opened to reveal there was no Bly to be found in the colourful room.

(Kanan's perspective)

I was in the pilots seat while Zeb,Sabine and Ezra were in the back and Chopper was up top "we're closing in on our destination" I looked and told them Sabine then put her helmet on as I turned back to the up coming Inquisitor base it was tall and surrounded by water but then heard something on my com "spectre 1 come in this is spectre 2". I picked up my com and spoke back while keeping one hand on the wheel "do you mind checking under the vent in the phantom" that was an odd question I didn't really understand "umm why?" I asked and she just replied with "just do it" she ordered and with that turned my attention to the vent on the floor. I lifted it up and saw a yellow helmet "Bly" I angrily shouted "get out" I ordered and with that he slowly got up out of the vent as I placed it back he clicked his neck back into place stretching his muscles.

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