Players and Pieces

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"Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! To RWBY!!!!! (Y/n) x Ruby!" I said to the reader

"Who are you talking too?" Yang asked "the wonderful male and or female reader." I replied "What?" She asked again "You know. The person reading this book? The person who wants to eventually fall in love with Ruby and keep this book going till season 7?" Yang looked at Blake and Blake shrugged "I don't know"

Suddenly we heard an ursai roaring before it fell down and a ginger girl rolled off it "'s broken" she then looked at it sadly "See! She gets it!" I looked at poppy as she sighed and face palmed "Nora...please ..don't ever do that again" the black haired boy said. But Nora was gone. She was already at the chess piece and she grabbed the rook chess piece

"I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!" "oi josuke!" I shouted as I slung my arm around her shoulder "I'm the King!" She giggled "well every king needs a queen!" "Damn straight" I said as we high fived.

Then the blonde guy jumped from the tree and tried to catch Weiss. "OI JOSUKE!!! NO COPYING ME! THATS MY THING!"I shouted up to him. He said something to Weiss but then fell. He landed on his stomach and she landed on his back. "My hero" she said as she checked her nails "My back"

Then suddenly some red headed chick was knocked away by a death stalker and landed at our feet "Great. The teams all here now we can die together!" Yang said as Ruby grabbed her scythe "Not if I can help it" she then ran at the deathstalker. When she reached it she slashed at it but I knocked her away. She took one look at it. Fired a bullet at it then started to run away. "RUBY!" yang shouted as she started to run to her.

As Ruby was escaping the nevermore shit some of it's feathers at her. She stopped as the feathers caught onto her cloak and yang fell over as the feathers almost his her "PETALS!!!" I shouted as I raced towards her and past yang. Ruby was pulling and tugging on her cloak as she tried to get free. The deathstalkers stinger almost hit her until a blue hardligjt shield appeared and blocked the attack "Yeesh you ever clean this stinger bud? I can see the mold from here" I joked as I looked at the deathstalker "Ruby you ok?" She looked at me "yes. Thank you" she said

"Say thanks later" I said "We have to get you outta here so we can regroup and discuss battle tactics" she nodded and pulled her cloack away from the feather then ran back to the others. "Alright buddy" I said to the scorpion "Let's see how deadly you really are" I said as I pushed back on my shield and knocked it's stinger back. Then I jumped back as it attacked with it's pincers l. I drew my guns and opened fire. My bullets did nothing as it advanced "Seriously?!" I groaned as I put my guns away and rolled from an attack "Alright then fine. Lemme introduce my little friend" I said as I drew my sword "Her names legacy" I said as I got into my stance.

The scorpion attacked with its stinger as I rolled away and grabbed ahold of it. When it lifted it's stinger back up I was hanging from it. I then used my swords blade to start hacking at where the stinger and tail meet. It roared as it started to swing it's tail around. I gave one last swing and the stinger fell and got stuck in it's skull. I took my chance and dropped. I landed on the stinger and stuck it into its skull more and killed it. Then I jumped away as it fell dead "Oh yea! Who's bad!" I then performed a series of stretched that showed off my muscles

"Huh. He's certainly improved" Weiss said. But then another deathstalker came running out of the forest "WHAT?! THERES TWO?!" I freaked "WHY IS THERE TWO!!!???" I then shook my head and turned to run "NOPE! FUCK THAT!" I then regrouped with everyone else. And I bent over to catch my breath "Your shield is amazing! Is that your semblence?" Ruby asked "what? Oh no." I said as I stood back up "This gauntlet here? On my left arm? I hold it out and boom. A hardligjt shield comes up." "Did your grandma make that too?" She asked "Oh no. It was my dad's. Saved his life plenty of times. And it's doing me justice as well" I said

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