A Mysterious Stranger

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"So? Robyn is a candidate for the open chair on Atlas's council?" Yang asked. Clover nodded "Yes, candidates are Jaques Schnee, and Robyn hill, however Robyn doesn't have the support Jaques does. At least from the wealthy side of things."

I sigh "Who is holding this fundraiser? Jaques never does this" clover turned to me "The Speedwagon Foundation" "the what?" I ask "The Speedwagon Foundation formed whenever you were in Mistral" clover said "But they have been giving Jaques unwavering support. As for why. I have no idea"

I sigh "Great, another group who wants Jaques in charge" Weiss walks over to me as we sit in the briefing room. "(Y/n)" she says "Sup" I reply.

She sits beside me "I...this...this is sudden but...I have something I need to tell you about" I nod "Alright, whatsup?" She shook her head. "No I...its more... personal" I nod "oh. Oh ok"

I stand up as I help her up "Then Cmon"


Weiss had brought me to our teams room. She closed the door as I slouched in the chair in the corner "Alright Weiss cream, what can your super duper amazing Bestie do for you today?"

Weiss sat down on the bed across from me. "(Y/n)...how long have we been friends?" I shrug "uh...since..." I think "Since birth really? Weiss when i was 4 you were two. Our parents were and still are close friends. Ive known you longer than anyone else"

She nodded. Her head was down and she was hugging herself. "(Y/n)...ever since we were kids. I've always looked up to you."

I sit up and lean forward as I listen. "You've always been super protective. Kept boys away from me. Protected me from grimm, even done my homework when I passed out"

I smiled as I chuckled "What are friends for?" "(Y/n)...your my best friend. But...I..."

I rubbed my head as she gathered her thoughts "For...a long time now...since we started beacon, and all the way to now. I've...I've loved you" I laugh "Harsh, I love you too Weiss but your only just now loving me?"

She lightly punched my shoulder "Shut up! You dunce!" I laugh again "no I mean I..." She sighed as she took a breath "I love you as more than a friend. When I got to beacon I was super excited to see you."

I go wide eyed at the revelation. But I let her speak. "I was... Actually going to ask you out at the party we had on the last day of the first semester. But..."

I look away "You and Ruby..." I stand up and help weiss up. She looks me in the eye "Weiss..." I look at the door before I look back to her "I...really shouldn't do this, but" I take a breath before I gently hold Weiss's cheek with my hand and kiss her.

She gasped but put her hand on my chest as she kissed back. After a moment I pull away as does she.

"Weiss. Your my best friend. I'll always love you, I've got your back no matter what happens, and even now that I'm with Ruby I won't forget about you."

She nods as she looks down, but I hold her chin and make her look at me. "Weiss. It's ok. I'm your friend, nothing will change that" she nods "Thanks...for...the kiss..." I nod "Just don't tell Ruby"

Weiss nodded as I check my scroll as I got a message "Speaking of... I'm gonna go see a show." I look at her "Ironwood gave us the day off. So I'm gonna catch some broadway acting.

weiss nods as we both leave the room.


I sat in one of the long rows of Mantle's central park. A woman was singing, a light orchestra with her.

She sang with prefect tune, and never peaked. I couldn't help but tear up a little. Her voice really was beautiful. She sang of love and affection. Made me think about me and Ruby. How happy I was to call her mine.

But. Suddenly the roof of the stage crashed open as a figure fell from above.

I sat up straight as I watched. The figure landed on the stage and looked at the woman. Then he quickly pulled a short, lever action shotgun from his big duster coat and pressed the barrel to her nose.

I jumped up as he pulled the trigger. The light flashed as everything went slow mo. The hundreds of people all started running away, screaming and shouting. The band also started to run.

The woman's body fell. But was blocked by the figure. I scowled as I was getting bumped side to side by the people running.

He turned his head over his shoulder as I saw the crimson blood on his face.

His hood covering his eyes as I growled "Murderer!" I shout as I draw my sword and run towards the stage.

When I got close enough I jumped and swung my sword at the man. He looked old. A long grey beard. And I saw...a...glimpse of orange...in his eye...

He raised his hand and grabbed my sword by it's blade and twisted.

He spun and threw me back against the wall of the stage. He held my sword as he tossed it to me. "Get up boy." He said.

I wasted no time in standing up after grabbing my sword. The man placed the Shotgun in a holster on his leg.

"I've waited a long time for this". I clicked a button on my sword hilt as the blade lit up in flames.

"Oh yea? Well here's a news flash" I say as I point my sword at him "Whatever you've been waiting for is gonna have to wait. Because you just committed cold blood murder"

The man said nothing as I prepared to fight "Professional Huntsman (y/n) copper is taking you in"

*To Be Continued...*

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