A much needed talk.

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I know it's not Rwby. I just love this picture... The best JoJo is on the Right)

Around a campfire, Ruby, Qrow, Ren, Nora and Jaune sit on four logs positioned in a square. Qrow has just finished telling the story of the Maidens

There is silence and Qrow takes a swig from his flask. He has a bandage wrapped around his abdomen over his clothing.

"Really? No questions?" He asks "Of course we have questions. This is just... a lot to take in." Qrow sighed "Sure, of course."

Behind Ruby on a small keeping Bag lay (y/n). Still unconsious. Jotaro sat against a tree sleeping. His hat pulled over his eyes.

"Uncle Qrow" Ruby said as Qrow looked to her "yea?" Ruby sighed "Before we go any further into this Maiden talk...what's going on with (y/n)? I'm really not sure that's his semblence...if that's even A semblence..."

Qrow nodded "Yea...your right kiddo...it's not a semblence...just like you he has powers" Ruby scooted closer on the log. "You explained that People with silver eyes can kill Grimm. That we are warriors meant to fight evil...but what about (y/n)? He doesn't have Orange eyes. He has (E/C). But when he gets mad...he...he gets really terrifying...like a monster"

Qrow sighed as he took another swing from his flask. "Well. I have an answer now thankfully." He cleared his throat as everyone listened. "The silver eyes warriors were created by the god of light, the Older brother to protect people from Grimm." Everyone was silent

"So in spite and jealousy the god of darkness, the younger brother made his own. "Soldiers of Rage" they are called. They were created to slay the silver eyes warriors." Ruby gasped as Nora spoke up "You mean...he's" she looked over her shoulder to the sleeping form of (y/n) before looking back to Qrow

"Supposed to...kill Ruby?" Qrow chuckled weakly as he adjusted himself on the log "back then? Yes. But now...there's barely any of both" qrow said. "The older brother explained that it was not fair to force an entire race on killing the other. So that's when the...relic of choice was made."

Jaune shook his head "get to the point" qrow rolled his eyes. "I did some research and it turns out that the Soldiers of Rage have enough power to controll Grimm. I'm not sure how or why they can do it, the only fair explanation I can think of is that they were created by the younger brother"

Ruby shivered a little as she hugged herself "(y/n)...would never hurt me..." Qrow nodded "Of course he won't. If he was really destined to slay you, then he would have tried to kill you back in beacon when you first met."

Qrow raised his hand and pointed to (y/n) "that kid? He's a good one. He cares deeply about all of you... Look at his team. He discovered his power because an abnormal Grimm killed his team. And he tore a faunus's tail off when he pushed you down"

Qrow looked Ruby in the eyes "He would never want to hurt you." Ren raised his hand as Qrow looked to him "Any more detail on these "Soldiers of Rage?" Qrow looked nodded "Sure."

He stoked the fire a little. "Soldiers of Rage can only activate their power when they are consumed with Rage." He said

"When the point comes that someone wants nothing more but to Rip something's heart out with their bare hands. Then his powers activate. And I'm assuming that's why Salem wants you two"

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