Act 2. The next step

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"I'm just saying." Nora says as she and Ren walk down the path. "There's more members of team JNPR in this team than RWBY. It makes sense to go with that one"

Ren turned to her "But Junior isn't a color" Nora sighed as she facepalmed before looking at Ren "Arg! How can I be more clear?!"

She held her arm out which caused Floating letters to appear in her hand. The letters JNRR to spell Junior. "See? One, two, three. That's more than one" she said as she pointed to each letter.

Ren held out his hand "But we are helping Ruby with her objective. So shouldn't she be the leader?"

A laugh is heard from behind as the two of them turn around. (Y/n) approaches them alongside jotaro "First off, Team JNRR? What are we 6? And second, seriously. We can't even be a proper team. There's 6 of us" I say as Jotaro holds his hat down "Yare yare" I pat his back "it's ok." I look at them

"Third and finally, you guys are completely leaving me and JoJo out of this naming thing"

(Y/n) Copper has not changed much personality wise. But he has changed in appearance.

His hair has grown to be just past his ears and his bangs cover his left eye. His outfit has changed to (whatever ouridt you wanna wear) but however, the biggest change is the scarf he now wears. In memory of his best friend.

"Well technically you and jotaro are a full team" Nora says "no! Listen! Junior isn't a color! But Ranger is a color! Ranger green! Therefore as Ren said we should be team RNJR!jaune called over to us "guys! We need to focus"

We all look at him "besides JNRR sounds way cooler" Nora smiled "thank you!" Before me or Ren could respond we felt a rumble "it's here" Jaime said.

Suddenly Ruby is seen flying backwards shooting her rifle in the directions she is coming from. A large group of boulders with a. Grimm mask pushed the trees aside and follows her.

Ruby hits a tree and falls hitting every branch on the way down "bad...landing... strategy!" She says before she lands on a branch that's big enough to support her weight. She shoots it twice before dashing off with her semblence


"Let's get that thing off her" Jaune said "Agreed" I said as we all set into action.

Jaune ran towards us as Ren and Nora took position in a tree. I looked at Jotaro and nodded as he did the same before we rushed the Grimm.

"Could use!" Ruby called as she dashed around avoiding attacks and shooting at it. Nora shoots the Grimm with her grenades as it turns to face us as Ren runs along the branches.

When Ren reaches a vantage point he shoots at it before it takes a swing at him. Ren dodged and ran up its arm before attacking it's head. But it didn't work. Ren jumped away and landed beside jaune

"My blades don't hurt him!" "how about this!" Ruby shouts as she fired and electricity round at the Grimm. It only absorbed the energy. The red marks on its arm glowed before it slammed its arm into the ground.

Everyone else was knocked back but me and Jotaro jumped over the shockwave. We rushed it's leg and attacked it. I punched it as best I could as my weapons were missing at the moment. While Jotaro stood still with his hands in his pockets "STAR PLATINUM!" he shouted

Suddenly a purple and blue figure with long black hair emerged from his body and started punching the leg with such speed and power you could feel the punches vibrate the ground and feel the wind rush off his fists.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!!" He delivered another punch as the stone.cracked but didn't break. The Grimm stumbled before It raised it's leg "oh shit" I said as it swung it's leg forward. We weren't fast enough as it kicked us.

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