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"Please, somebody help him!" Emerald called around to anyone. I watched in shock withe everyone else "Can you do something!?" She said as 2 paramedics ran on stage with a gourney and set it down "we need to get this boy to a hospital"

They lifted him onto the gourney before they rushed away. Emerald following them. "You don't understand! He attacked me I swear!" Yang said

"Stow it! You've caused enough problems!" Yang looked around with a scared face before she was walked off stage with the robots and the soldiers.


"A terrible tragedy took place this afternoon in the one-on-one rounds of the Vytal Festival Tournament-" I flipped through a channel

"I don't know what Beacons headmaster is teaching his students, but that was disgraceful! Completely uncalled for!" A haven tourest said to a camera on a news network. I flipped the channel again

"Despite Atlas reinforcements, local authorities are still calling on any available Huntsmen to aid in suppressing the spike in Grimm activity"

I sighed as I turned the TV off and rested on the couch. One hand behind my head as I looked up at the ceiling. "Damn. That's bad news kid" Uncle Hei said from his kitchen. I laughed "Literally" before I changed my tone to a more sympathetic one.

"Still. I want to believe yang, but I don't know. We all saw what happened." I said as I sat up and looked behind the couch at Uncle Hei.

He was busy cooking some lunch "So explain again why your not staying at your dorm? Or crashing with Glynda." I sighed "Me and Goodwitch sent seeing...eye to eye right now because of some...decisions she's made" Uncle Hei Chuckled "Sounds like her. Always a witch" I agreed.

He then turned to look at me.

His house was pretty neat. You walk through the front door and see the living room. A nice carpet. The large 70 inch TV is by the wall on the left. A chair in the corner and a large leather couch right in front of the TV in the center of the room.

Behind the couch is a hard tiled kitchen with an open bar crafted into the wall. Behind the kitchen are 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. He lived in a small house but it was comfy.

"Also" he said "Where is this Girlfriend you've got? This has been one hell of a birthday" I laughed "Damn straight. And I told Ruby I was here. But she's in her dorm checking on yang. She said it would be nice for me to see yang soon since I'm a friend as well. But once she's done she will head over here."

Uncle Hei nodded as he returned to his stove "Eggs?" "Over hard. I hate runny yolks" he nodded "Aye cap'n"

I checked my scroll as I saw a text from Poppy. "I'm going out tonight with Penelope. They postponed the rest of the fights for today. If you need us we will be out doing whatever"

I replied with a "Stay safe" before I set my phone down on the table. "Aye aye aye" i said as I closed my eyes to relax. My jacket was off and hanging on the coat rack. My boots were beside it.

"Care to explain what your aunt did?" He asked "Agreed with ironwood" he laughed again as he brought two plates over with bacon, eggs and toast "Nuff said kid. Nuff said" I scooted over for him as he handed me my plate.

"Thanks" I said "No prob" I immediately took a bite from my toast "Nothing like breakfast for lunch" he joked as I nodded "Nothin better" I agreed. He picked up the remote and switched the TV on. "Let's see what we got"

He flipped through the channels.nskipping another news channel, passing an opera program. We settled on some random reality show about fixing houses or something.

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