Forever Fall

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"Cmon chief! It's not that bad" Penelope said as she hopped up and down with excitement "We get to go to forever Fall!!!! It's like the most romantic place that exists!"

I sighed as I put my guns into their holsters and sheathed Legacy on my back "It's not that I'm not excited" I said "It's that our break is over. I so hate Mondays" I groaned as I closed my locker

"Just be glad we are joining the first years. Last time we went Goodwitch had us do it alone" Poppy said as she walked past us towards her locker "That's not the point" I said as I turned around and faced her.

"The point is." I said real slowly "And my point is. It's a field trip. Be glad it's not Oobleck that's taking us" I rolled my eyes "Please Oobleck wouldn't take us somewhere that isn't mega dangerous" I replied

Poppy laughed to herself as Rachel approached us as she put her jacket on "We all ready to go?" She asked with hesitation I nodded as I downed the rest of my coffee before tossing the foam mug over my shoulder "Let's rock" I said

"Forever Fall" Goodwitch said "No other forest on remnant is naturally red in color. It's also the home to the only trees which produce and thick but sweet sap. Your assignments for today are to pair up into groups and gather at least 2 jars of sao for professor Ooblecks study"

My team and I followed behind her as well as teams Cdnl jnpr and rwby.

I tapped Goodwitch on her shoulder "Oi josuke" she turned around and looked at me "Do we really have to do this? I have a date with a fabulous game called Fallout 4. And Piper isn't getting any younger" Glynda rolled her eyes and flicked my nose "Get the sap. You can leave" I sighed and turned around "Oi vey"

Just as I gave orders for my team to find partners I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around I set my eyes on Ruby. Who was smiling up at me "Hey Petals. What's up?" I said as she held her hands behind her back and rocked back and fourth on her feet

"I was wondering if you wanted to be my partner" she said I looked over at poppy and the girls as they all talked to other people and I shrugged "Sure. Why not" she smiled even bigger "Great!" She handed me a jar as me and her started to walk away from the main group in a random direction

"hey petals?" I asked as she looked up at me "Hmm?" "How was your weekend?" "It was fun. I got to hang out with blake a little bit. We did some reading in the library" I looked down at her "Really? You read?" She shrugged and gave a nervous laugh "Well I tried to read. I got distracted playing games on my scroll" I nodded "ah. Yea that tends to happen when books are around"

We both laughed a little as we reached a large tree "Petals. Mission objective:Collect sweet tree sap." She looked at me "Huh?" My eyes turned red as I was suddenly wearing a leather jacket and had on a pair of shades "Objective: Complete" I said as I held up a full jar of tree sap

" did..." Ruby looked at me as I was back in my normal clothes "How did what?" I looked at her as she looked back and fourth between me and the jar. "you just" after a second she sighed as she shook her head "Nevermind" I chuckled as I pet her head "I'm the Protagonist! I can do things nobody else can"

She just nodded as we kept walking "ok. We need 3 more jars" she smiled "Hey (y/n)?" I looked her "sup" she stopped and looked at me "What are your plans for this weekend?" I was surprised "Ruby Rose are asking on the date now?" She shook her head "No. Maybe." I laughed "What did you have in mind?"

"Well me and the team were gonna take a walk around the docks tomorrow. Wanna come with us?" I shrugged "Sure why not." She smiled "Great!" Suddenly 3 guys from team CRDL ran past us "Ursa ursa!" They yelled. Me and Ruby looked at eachother before running back to the main group just as they told yang what happened. Yang picked one.of.them up "where?!" He pointed backwards "back there it's got cardin!"

Yang dropped him as they ran "Yang blake go back and get Goodwitch!" Pyrrha looked at Nora and ren "you two go with them!" Just then Rachel showed up "What's going on?" I turned to her "Rachel go find Poppy and Penelope!" "Why?" She asked "Cuz we got grimm! Make sure they are ok!" She nodded and took off as I looked at Ruby and pyrrha "Let's get moving!" I said.

We ran through the trees and up a large hill as we followed the sounds of roaring. Eventually when we reached the top we saw an ursa pinning down cardin

It then swung it's claw trying to attack but jaune interfered and held up his shield to block but he was struggling to hold up the beast

"Jaune!" I called as I drew my guns and aimed at the grimm at the same time weiss drew her sword "wait" pyrrha said "got an idea?" I asked as I kept my sights on them "Let jaune handle this" she said.

Jaime pushed it back and sliced it. It growled as it swung it's arm and he rolled. It then sweeped the ground as he jumped but the grimm asked him and sent him flying. He hit the ground with a roll but got back up and charged again he yelled as he tried to attack but was knocked away again

"Alright that's it!" I said "Come on!" I said as I started firing bullets at the grimm to distract it as I walked forward the grimm raised it arm to block my shots as jaune got back up.

When I saw him get up I ceased fire reloaded "(y/n)!" Ruby said "Relax petals! I'll be fine" I said as I quickly took a step back as jaune ran at the ursa having hot it's attention again. Then jaune went for an attack as the grimm did too. It looked like he was gonna get whacked but pyrrha raised her arm and it glowed black

Suddenly jaunes shield raised itself to block the Grimm's attack. Jaune stumbled before he yelled and jumped decapitating the grimm.

"well" I said as he walked over to cardin and said something "how did you do that?" Ruby asked pyrrha. "Well. You have your speed. Weiss has her glyphs. My semblence is polarity"

I growled "God damnit! Everyone's got one but me!" I threw my arms up in frustration Ruby was shocked"wow. So you control poles" Weiss groaned "no you dolt she has control over magnetism" Ruby nodded "that's cool too"

I was already walking away with my arms crossed "Fucking she-magneto"

"STAND DOWN! YOULL NEVER DEFEAT ME!!!!!!!" Penelope said as her and Rachelle sat in a huge fort of books "HA! YOU FOOL! YOU THINK YOU INTIMIDATE US!" I shouted from the fort me and poppy were in on the other side of the room "POPPY!" I shouted as I pointed to our enemy she jumped up holding a book "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!!" She yelled as she threw the book. Rachel and Penelope raised their hands in defense.

The screen turns sandy brown as roundabout plays

*To be continued*

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