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"Oi Josuke!" I said as I walked down the hall to team RWBY's dorm. I saw blake running so I waved "You late for something?" I asked. But she just ran right past me "Hey! Blake!" I shouted as she kept running "What's up with her?" I asked. "(Y/n)!" Someone called so I turned back around and saw as Ruby yang and Weiss ran to me. Ruby specifically.

"Hey what's up?" I asked. Ruby ran into and hugged me. I stumbled a little from the force "hey woa!" I said as I put my hands on her shoulders. Her head was nustling my chest "What's going on?" Ruby didn't say anything so I just looked at Yang and Weiss "Girls?"

They stopped once they reached me "(y/n) glad your here" yang said "Mind explaining what's going on? And why petals is crushing my spin and crying?" Yang looked at Weiss "Tell him"

She sighed "Ok fine so I may have accused the faunus for being terrorists and.blake freaked out and ran. Turns out she's a Faunus as well" "Oh yea" I said "Wait you knew?" Ruby asked as she looked up at me "yea. Penelope figured it out during the entrance exam" Weiss scoffed "Makes sence. The dog finds the cat before any of us do" "Watch your tongue weiss. I will not let you disrespect my friend like that"

Yang got in between us "Listen you two can fight later. Right now we need to find blake. Any ideas?" She asked. Ruby pulled away as I took my scroll from my pocket "I'll call the girls. Maybe they can help" I sent a quick voicemail in our group chat to meet us at rwby's dorm after that I put my phone away

"Ok. Hopefully they all see that soon. What's the plan? Where do we search?" I asked.

Ruby looked at me "Maybe weiss and yang can search the residential district of Vale." I nodded "Girls?" Yang nodded "Sounds like a plan to me" "Ok. Let's wait here until the girls show up*

*Minutes later*

Poppy was the one to show up first "Alright what's the problem? Do we need to deal with those little shites again?" She asked "No no" I said with a chuckle "Don't worry cardin and his team arnt the problem. The problem is Blake is gone" suddenly Penelope appeared from seemingly nowhere

"WHAT?! BLAKE'S GONE?!?!?!?!" "Hey hey! Relax!" I said "But yes she's gone" Penelope steps closer "Why? What happened?" I pointed behind me "Talk to Weiss cream back there" "Stop calling me that! We've been friends since our childhood you know how much I hate that!" I laughed a little

"So far we've already got assignments for us. But we need you ladies to help...where's Rachel?" "The usual" "God damnit...fine ok deal with her later. Right now poppy, Penelope your jobs are to search around the upper financial district of Vale" they nodded "Count on us chief!" Penelope said "We're gonna have that place search top to bottom" poppy replied

"Good" I said as I turned to ruby "That leaves us with the docs" she nods "We can do that" I nodded "Alright. You girls ready?"

"The docks are so spoopy at night" I said as me and Ruby walked around "Not as spooky since your around" Ruby replied "Awe you flatter me" I say as I look at the buildings "If I were a kitty cat where would I be?" I ask as Ruby looked up at me "Cats hate water" she shook her head "I don't think Blake works that way. She just has cat traits" I shrugged "Why don't we ask her when we find her?" Ruby nodded "Right. We gotta find her first"

I smiled "Hey you wanna make searching for a friend also a bet?" She looked back to me "How?" I stopped and grabbed her hand "Well. You said she might be at the docks. So if she is then you win. But if she's not then I win" "what happens if I win?" "Then iiiiii..." I paused "I owe you one free favor of any capacity" she giggled "and if you win?" "then I take you on another date" she put a finger to her chin like she was thinking

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