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(it's funny.)

Poppy was relaxing in beacons pool house. Her swimsuit very revealing as she layed back with her eyes closed. Only a few days left before classes begin for her and her team.

Poppy was a woman of many talents. She could cook(after months of nonstop practice) she could build and craft things. She could even hold her breath for an impressive 2 full minutes.

But her favorite thing to do was relax in the pool or ocean if she was at the beach. Surprisingly. Dispite her intimidating hight Poppy is concidered one of the most attractive girls at beacon. A second year straight A student. Her attitude and accent make the men around beacon very excited.

And some have even theorized that she might be dating her team leader. But those theories are wrong. Dispite how close she and her leader may be. She has no interest in dating anyone. Until she has graduated. And besides. Her team leader is one of her best friends. Neither she nor him feel any intamate feelings toward eachother.

"Boo!" Someone shouted as poppy freaked. "KYA!" she turned and backhanded the person behind her "GAH!" the boy shouted as he fell over.

"Why." Poppy said as she caught her breath "Why the fuck do you do that?!" She shouted as (y/n) started to laugh "Because it gets you every time!" "it's not funny" "It's hilarious"

Poppy scowled "Just don't do that when I shower" "Why? You don't want me to see your tiddies?" She sighed "No I don't wanna jump and break my neck" (y/n) shrugged "Eh fair enough I suppose"

(Y/n) sat cross cross by the pool as poppy went back to relaxing "So. You enjoying your break?" Poppy Nodded "Aye. It's great being older cuz we get more privileges." "But we also get more shit we gotta do" poppy sighed "Your right. But I enjoy the little things"

(Y/n) looked around "Say poppy" "hmm?" "Do you ever think about dating someone?" "why are you interested?" She asked "No. Just saying. You haven't dated anyone at all. Your literally the only person in our team who has never dated anyone. Hell Penelope dated someone once" "Penelope wants to be with Yatsuhashi"

Poppy's accent was thick. But it just added to her charm "I mean a lot of guys are into you. Your accent and body are a great combination" "Aye true. But not a single guy here wants to date me for me. All they see is a tall lass with an attitude" (y/n) shrugged "True but that just means you don't take shit. And besides there's gotta be someone your into" poppy shrugged as she adjusted herself in the water "Aye there is" "who is it" poppy laughed "The million dollar question" she said as she rolled over and looked up at (y/n) "Nobody will ever know"

(Y/n) sighed as he stood up "Well it was great talking to you. But I gotta get going. Im gonna do some exploring around Vale and see what's changed since last year" poppy just waved as she rolled back over and relaxed as (y/n) made his exit.


"Let's see. Beacon sure hasn't changed a lot" (y/n) said as he walked down the long path. But as he was looking at the huge water fountain he bumped I to somebody again "Oh damn." He said "I'm sorry man. I gotta start watching where I'm going"

The student pulled his hat down "Yare yare. Just watch it" then the student just kept walking "Odd. Feel like I've heard those words before" he shrugged and continued on his way to the docks

On the bullhead (y/n) rested her head in his hand as he proped himself up with his elbow "Vale. I really missed this place." (Y/n) said as he watched the scene change. The large buildings of Vale coming closer. Eventually stopping. The bullhead landed on the dock as the ramp opened and (y/n) stepped off the bullhead. "alright. Let's see how much trouble I can get into"

Sorry this own was short. I didn't know what to do about this)

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