It's not a robot. it's power Armor

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"What's it say?" I asked as (y/n) started his bikes engine. Yang looked down at her scroll as we listened "The white fang stole atlas weaponry and they-" Blake was cut off by a screaming sun "HEEEEEEEEEEELP"!!!!!!!

"Where are you?!" Yang asked as we looked behind her and saw Blake and sun being chased by a giant robot "I think that was them" Neptune said "Yea I know" yang argued as she quickly pulled a 180 and took off to catch up. I grabbed onto (y/n)'s waist as he did the same. Popping a wheely as we followed.

"So when did the white fang get a robot?!" (Y/n) yelled over to yang and Neptune "Actually it looks more like Power Armor!" Neptune shouted "SHUT UP KINZIE!!!!" (Y/n) shouted back yang weaved right to dodge a bus and (y/n) turned left to do the same.

The robot was attacking Blake and sun as we saw them jumping from car to car. Eventually sun sat down on a bus and sent out 2 clones which was pretty Impressive.

"What's the plan chief?!" I asked as we got closer to yang and Neptune "Slow it down!" He called and I nodded. I watched as Neptune jumped off hangs bike and stabbed the mech with his spear. But it knocked him off along with sun. "Welp! There goes our backup!" (Y/n) said "here get me close!" I said as he nodded

He sped up and passed yang as we dodged more cars. "Ok! Going for it!" I shouted as I jumped off the bike and threw my chain blades at it. Piercing it's leg and arm as I hit the ground and pulled. I wasn't able to stop the mech from moving but I was able to pull hard enough to trip it and knock it over the side as it fell off the highway.

"quick! We can't fall behind!" (Y/n) said as both he and yang jumped over the side and I followed suit.

When we jumped down we landed in front of the mech as we heard yang call for backup as she stood beside Blake. "Girls! You two ok?" (Y/n) asked as we all grouped up "Yes I'm fine" Blake said

"Good cuz we got-" suddenly Weiss spoke over the radio "We are almost in position! Just wait there!" (Y/n) checked his scroll "Weiss is about 3 minutes away. I don't think Ruby is far behind" he said.

But then a red laser appeared on (y/n) "hey chief?" He looked at me "hmm?" "What's that?" I pointed to the laser as he turned around and looked at it "its-" we heard Torchwick laughing over the loud speaker as he fired a rocket towards (y/n) "FINALLY!" He shouted as yang Blake and I rolled away but (y/n) wasn't quick enough and instead tries to put up his shield.

Unfortunately he was still too slow as the rocket hit him and exploded head on. This sent him flying and shattering a concrete pillar "AAAAARGHH!!!!!" He screamed in pain as he hit the ground and rolled around holding his back "FFFFUCK!!!!!" He screamed again.

Roman approached him in the mech as we watched "(y/n)!!!!!" Yang screamed as she loaded her gauntlets
The mech lifted it's leg ready to stomp on (y/n) but then a voice called out

"EMERALD SPLASH!!!!!!" And then out of nowhere hundreds of emerald Chuck's started hitting the mech causing it to stumble back "huh?!" I was confused as a boy in the advanced program uniform from.beacin ran forward and grabbed (y/n) before helping him up

"Are you alright?" He asked?


"Are you alright?" A voice asked me as I groaned and stood up. "Yea..." I said as I looked up and smiled "Kakyoin?" He smiled "yea" with a nod "good to see you again mate" "likewise"

I flexed as I popped my back "damn I'm gonna be sore tomorrow" yang Blake and Rachel ran over to us "Who are you?" Blake asked "Noriaki Kakyoin. Pleasure to meet you" Kakyoin said

I smiled "ladies this is a friend of mine. I met him back during the first semester we've hung out a few times. And plus his semblence is pretty badass"

They looked at eachother before Ruby and Weiss showed up "BABE!!!!" Ruby screamed as she used her semblence to dash towards me before she hugged me "hey! Woa!" I said as I lost my balance but Kakyoin caught me "carefull"

"Are you ok?" Ruby asked as I smiled and ruffled her hair "I'm fine petals. Carrot Top just got a lucky shot that all." She nodded and pulled away as we all huddled together "Can you girls blind him?" I asked as Ruby nodded and looked at Weiss and yang "Freezer burn"

Yang and Weiss looked at eachother before yang jumped into the air and Weiss froze the ground. Then yang smashed down and lit the ice up causing a thick fog.

"Rachel go with Blake. Attack from the shadows" I said as Rachel nodded and ran with Blake. Then I looked at Kakyoin "Hey you like sumo?" He smirked "eh" he nodded "let's get a ring set up yea?" He smiled as we both got to work.

Blake and Rachelle ran around the robot as multiple lasers appeared scanning for us they attacked to distract the robot as Ruby thought up a plan.

"CHECKMATE!!"  Ruby ordered as Weiss and Blake appeared our of nowhere and gave multiple attacks before Weiss jammed mytrnaster into it's scanning module and disabled the lasers. But however Carrot top fired a barrage of bloodhound missiles which Blake and Weiss dodged for a moment before one hit Weiss.

But before Weiss hit the ground she gave Blake a speed boost. Blake then performed a series of attacks which sliced and destroyed all the missiles before Ruby ran forward

"LADYBUG!"  She said as her and Blake teamed up. Dashing back and fourth beneath the robots legs. Before they both jumped high and attacked together.

Then yang climbed into the mech and started punching/shooting the cockpit. Carrot Top used a dash and smashed through several pillers before punching yang through the last one.

"YANG!" Blake called as finally me and Kakyoin attacked.

Just as Roman punched yang the fog dispersed showing that Roman was inside a Webb. A Webb created by Kakyoins semblence.

And I was placed on one of the Webb's threads as I was going to be launched like a slingshot. "Roman Torchwick" Kakyoin said "While you were distracted with team rwby you failed to see our plan" he said talking about me and him.

Roman turned all around looking at the Webb "What?" And Kakyoin pointed at him while shouting "TAKE THIS!!!! 20 METER RADIUS EMERALD SPLASH!!!!!!!" Suddenly chunks of emeralds starting shooting at him from all over as I shouted with glee as Kakyoin launched me into the air "HAHA!!!!!!" I laughed as I held my blade up and sliced through his mech from the top all the way through as I landed.beneath it's legs and rolled.

Just as the emerald splash ended yang ran forward and punched the mechs arm shattering it completely and Roman grunted "gggrrrr!" He growled at us before me and yang stood side by side. She popped her knuckles as I held my sword towards Roman

"Let's make this one great" both me and yang said together as I ran first "FINISHING MOVE!!!!" both me and yang shouted together "KAMUI SENKETSU!!!" I screamed as I performed a zantetsuken slicing straight through one of it's legs cutting it right in half "FIBER LOSS!!!!" I finished before yang jumped and punched the cokcpit shattering it completely as Roman rolled before standing up.

"Just got this thing cleaned" he said as he dusted off his suit "then yang fired a concussion round at him but a girl who looked like ice cream got in the way and deflected it with an... umbrella?

"Neo if you would" Roman said as the girl bowed mockingly before yang ran and punched her only for both Roman and the girl to shatter like glass.

"NANI!!!!!" Both me and Kakyoin said aloud

As me and Kakyoin bathed in the light of what the fuck. Weiss made a joke.

"I guess they made our plans...fall apart?" She said as Ruby sniffled a laugh as her and Blake walked off "no. Just no" yang said "what? But you do it!" "There's a time and a place" yang said

"Was this not it?" Weiss said as yang walked off "no it just wasn't very good" "ugh! Well at least I'm trying!" Weiss said.

Me and Kakyoin watched as Rachel stood beside us "well wanna go grab a drink? Uncle says its free of charge for friends" Kakyoin shrugged "sure"

So as me and Kakyoin walked off Rachel shrugged to herself as she went off to find her boyfriend

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