Welcome to haven

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"so why are we taking the long way?" Jaune asked as qrow led team RNJR through a stone tunnel. "I figured I'd take you kids on the scenic route. We are almost there"

Ruby smile "we went through a lot. Bad guys who tried to kill us" jaune added "a lot of monsters along the way" "and only one of us almost died" Ruby looked up at Qrow as he rolled his eyes.

"By the way. Where's Kujo and the kid?" Qrow asked "I figured they'd come with us" Nora perked up from the back "Oh! Jotaro went to get his clothes tailored since they got ripped and cut, then he was gonna go home and sleep. And (y/n)-" Nora was cut off as suddenly a large bipedal lizard ran past them through the tunnel. It had a saddle as well as a rider

"WOOOOOO!!!!" (Y/n) cheered as he rode the leaper lizard past then. It had small wings and couldn't fly but it had a massive amounts of jumping power.

"Wanted to ride his first leaper lizard" Nora finished as (y/n) reached the ledge and jumped over it.

"He didn't even say hi to us" jaune said "let the kid have his fun. Hell if I was riding a leaper I'd ignore people too. Besides I'm sure he will meet us at haven." Qrow said as he took a small drink from his flask "besides. We still have a bit of a walk."

They exited the tunnel and we're amazed. A large city that went on for miles. And in the center a large mountain with another smaller city. That must be the more richer district. And at the very top was haven academy.

"Wow!" Jaune said "it's beautiful" Ruby said. Qrow stepped aside "if you want after we meet up with lionheart we can explore a bit. If we can all stay together"

"LOOK AT ALL THE WEAPONS!!!" Ruby said "vendors here will sell you anything, wether they should or not. Stay away from the lower levels. The higher you go, the nicer it gets"

Nora smiled as they stepped into the large elevator platform "and we are going up!"


RNJR and Qrow enter the campus grounds of Haven Academy, which is devoid of any other people. They stop in a courtyard, where Ruby smiles and wipes a tear from her eye. Jaune places a hand on her shoulder, and she sighs.

"Hey" jaune says "I'm just glad we made it" Ruby replies. As they walked the don't encounter anyone. Ruby calls out "hello?" Nobody answers. "hello?!" She calls out louder. Still nobody is seen. Nora shrugs "try louder?" Jaune looked around "well school isn't in session right now. Maybe that's it"

Qrow shook his head "no. Something isn't right" he started to speed up "cmon"

RNJR picks up the pace to catch up, and soon, all five are running to a pair of wooden double doors. Qrow comes to a stop in front of them, draws his sword, and extends the blade.

"Get ready. There could be trouble" qrow says. RNJR follow his lead in drawing their weapons. Qrow brings up his foot and kicks the door open. Just on the other side, Leonardo Lionheart widens his eyes, throws his hands into the air, and lets out a frightened scream.

Jaune, Ruby, and Nora widen their eyes and scream as well, while Ren gives the headmaster a confused stare. Standing on one foot with his eyes wide, Qrow suddenly looks down, loses his balance, and falls. Shortly after, Lionheart makes a noise and briefly faints. RNJR let their weapons down and stare, dumbfounded, while Qrow sits up.

"Qrow you scared me half to death!" Leo says "seriously? Why weren't you waiting for us at the entrance?" Leo checked his pocket watch "oh. Apologies. It seems time slipped from me."

Qrow rubbed his head as Leo looked behind him "you must be the students qrow mentioned" Ruby smile "I'm Ruby Rose" jaune waved "Jaune Arc" Nora poses as a super hero "Nora Valkyrie" Ren simply held his hands behind his back "Lie Ren"

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