Argus Limited

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Across a Snowy Mountain, a train horn can be heard blaring in the distance. The train zooms by a mountainside as it is being chased by Manticores.

One Manticore flies in but is shot down by something off screen. The Manticore rolls along the train before being sliced by Ruby.

The Grimm dissolves and Ruby poses with Crescent Rose behind her back.

"Who's next?" She asked. Just the a Manticore tries to attack Ruby from behind, but it is stopped by large shards of ice that cause it to crash into the mountain. Weiss zooms by on her Glyphs.

"Thank me later!" Weiss moves forward and takes down two more Manticores as Blake uses Gambol Shroud's kusarigama form to swing into the air.

"Heads up!" She calls to Yang. She wraps the ribbon around the neck of a Manticore, as yang punches through it, causing it to disolve. Yang and Blake land back on the train, standing next to each other.

"Glad to see your not rusty" she says as Blake smiles at her.

The camera pans over to show (y/n) with his guns as he opened fire on the Manticores. Shooting some down. One swooped in to attack from.behind.but (y/n) quickly spun and kicked it in the face. As it flew back and was dazed (y/n) shot two bullets. Each going into each eye. The grim fell and bounced off the train and got sucked beneath the rails.

(Y/n) smiled as he turned back around to keep shooting more Manticores. The camera pans a few train cars down to see Jaune, Nora and Ren, as well as Oscar as they all climb to the top of the train to join the battle. Oscar runs off towards the front of the train.

"Why is it always something?!" Nora said as she got her hammer out "just keep them towards the back!" Ruby called over.

The members of Team JNPR join the battle, with Jaune using his shield to block a Manticore's fireball. Nora uses her grenade launcher to shoot a Manticore at point blank range. Ren fires his pistols. Turrets on the train help assist the young Huntsmen and Huntresses with taking Grimm out of the sky.

"Tunnel!" Oscar shouted everyone looked ahead. "Go!" Ruby called as everyone rushed to get back inside. Weiss misses a jump and almost falls but (y/n) grabs her wrist "Watch your step yea?" (Y/n) sets her down as he quickly hops down as well. Landing on the coupler as he pushed a door open into the train car and they stepped inside.


Earlier that morning...


A busy train station in Mistral is shown. People go about their business whether they be buying a train ticket, going shopping, eating food, and more.

Holographic screens show different locations, amongst them are Argus, Wind Path, Kuchinashi, Shion, and Vale, the latter shown to be crossed out with an "Out of Service" message next to it. Qrow can be heard narrating a letter he wrote to James Ironwood, detailing recent events.

It's been two weeks since the attack on Haven. The official report states that the plot to destroy Mistral's CCT Tower was thwarted by Ghira Belladonna and the Faunus militia group from Menagerie. A Huntsman and some students coincidentally visiting the headmaster were also able to lend some assistance. Unfortunately, Leonardo Lionheart lost his life while trying to defend his school. And those responsible for organizing the attack managed to escape. As I'm sure you can guess, there's a lot more to this report than I'm willing to say in this letter. But for now, what I'm trying to say is that we're on our way to Atlas, James. There's a good chance we'll get there before this letter does, but in case we don't, I need you to know that we're bringing a lot more than bad news with us. See you soon, Qrow.

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