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(special thanks to JoJo photo editor for helping me create a perfect combination. My boi Kakyoin. And my goddess. In one)

The Grimm alert was blaring as everyone panicked. We stood together Side by side. As me and Ruby released our battle call we all got to work. Poppy jumped into the air and slammed her axe down in the ground causing a small quake to shatter the concrete. She then turned and kicked a Grimm before spinning and chopping ones head clean off.

Penelope was twirling her war pike around and singing. While Rachel was grappling from building to building heading the Grimm into a small area for better handling.

Ruby started to spin around in her scythe and kick Grimm. She ran around in circles kicking them all which was hilarious.

Yang launched herself into the air as she fired bullets down on the Grimm before she was knocked down by some Ariel Grimm.

Blake was crouched as she shot some beowolf's. And Weiss was using her dust.

I on the other hand was having the time of my life. "Penelope" I shouted as she turned to me as i nodded. She switched to her rocket launcher and fired a rocket at me. I smiled as I jumped up and started to surf on the rocket. "Woohoo!!!" I laughed "yea!!!!" I leaned in different directions steering the rocket to where I wanted it to go. "Special delivery!" I shouted before I bailed from the rocket.

It flew straight into the large crowd Rachel had gathered up. I took out a clip board and a pen as I crouched beside one if the beowolf's as it bled out "sign here please" I said as the wolf picked up the own in it's paw and wrote down "Marty" on the paper "Thanks" I then shot him in the face as he died.

I then turned around and tossed the clipboard over my shoulder as I watched a huge king taijutu started to slither around. "NOPE! I DON'T DO NO SNAKES!" I said as I stayed still. But luckily I didn't have to wait for long. Cuz suddenly Nora came crashing from the sky onto its skull. She broke its skull in and killed it before she jumped back with her team

"Hell of an entrance" I laughed as I started to run towards another group of wolves and drew my sword. However it seemed as pyrrha gave the order as she raised her sword to the air before charging. Ren and Nora followed in her footsteps.

Nora smacked a Grimm like she was playing baseball. Ren kicked a grim.before slicing up the next. Jaune was running and an ursai landed behind him. He turned around to look at it.

Pyrrha stabbed a Grimm in the throat before she looked at jaune. I held my guns up as I walked over "invene?" I asked "no. He will be fine" as she spoke we watched as jaune went berserk. Attacking the Grimm nonstop while he screamed.

Once he was done he stopped and watched it, ready to attack again. But it fell over. Pyrrha smiled as I holstered my guns "Right" the Grimm are starting to swarm.

I quickly ran back over to Ruby as she finished off a beowolf. "Hey you ok?" She nodded "yup" then we heard music. Coo music as sun and Neptune showed up "Nobody move! Junior detectives!" Sun showed his badge "We have badges so you know it's official" Neptune finished before they highfived.

"You guys sent actually cops" I said as they scowled "don't make us come down there and arrest you" sun pointed at me "your on our suspect list" I crossed my arms "for what" "for being too dangerous" I chuckled "then shouldn't ALL if us be suspects"

Sun paused before he looked at Neptune "we have a lot of paperwork to do"

I laughed as Ruby looked up. We all did actually. Ironwood's airship flew in above us. Ruby saluted it as I scowled "go on. Keep up that good persona" I turned around to look away as atlas Android's started dropping from the sky. Shooting every Grimm they saw

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