Chapter 5

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    Seth's POV

I started panicking I couldn't lose her. I have to protect her if I don't then who will? She's my imprint and I will fight for her. I had to be courageous and brave. 

"What do you want, Leo?" I asked.

"Nothing really... just your little mate here," Leo said.

"You leave her out of this. What do you really want and don't give me any lies? I want the truth. Why are you here?"I asked starting to get pissed.

      "Because I had to see if she was alright. I didn't mean to hurt her." Leo said

"Really, because it looked like you were harassing her? AGAIN! Embry, Riley get ready."I said as I nodded at them.

     The three of us advanced slowly. We all stood in front of Emmabeth. We heard a growl behind us. Embry went into the woods and phased. He came back as a wolf. Emma freaked out. She sat there crying I sat next to her wiping her tears away. I wasn't sure how to handle the situation, but again when do I. I guess you just have to do what your instinct tells you. I also couldn't help but believe maybe what Leo said was true. At this point, Leo had left and now it was just Emma, Embry, and me.

     I was having a discussion with myself in my head yet I could very well hear Emma's sobs. Why can't we live in peace? Anytime things go back to normal and become good and peaceful something always has to ruin it. I would give anything to live a normal happy life with my family. Away from danger, living without a care in the world and carry on with our lives. As Embry and I tried to calm Emma down she looked up at with tears in her beautiful bright blue eyes. 

"Where did Riley go?" She choked out grabbing Embry's hand. I didn't even realize he was gone until she mentioned it. 

"Embry. Go see where Riley went." I told him he got up let go of Emma's hand and disappeared into the woods. I got up and helped Emma up, I wrapped my arm around her protectively. She giggled. We heard a howl. I assumed it was Embry.

    "Come on, my beautiful fiancée. We should get to school." I said as I kissed her. At first, it was gentle then it turned passionate. Her hands when into my hair and she started playing with it. I broke the kiss and picked her up and carried her back to the Cullens house. Embry and Riley met us there.

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