Going Home

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                                                     The Call  

Leah: "Hey little brother. What's up?"

Me: "Hey sis, We're coming home. Meet us at the airport in Port Angelas."

Mason: "Seth, why are you coming home so soon?"

Me: "Emmabeth is pregnant. Don't tell the triplets. Let us."

    I could hear Emma in the living room puking.

Leah: "Okay, but Seth... come home quick. Mason and I have something to tell you."

Mason: "Mom's pregnant again as well."

Me: "Have Jacob and Renesmee come. I want to tell them in person."

Leah: "You got it, little brother! We'll see ya later on tonight."

Me: "OH! DO NOT TELL RILEY! Emma wants to. Bye."

                                                      End of Call  

    I walked back into the living room. Emma was asleep. I sat next to her and pulled her onto my lap. She snuggled into my chest. I chuckled. I sat like that for an hour then she woke up.

    "Good Morning my beautiful lovebug," I said as I kissed her. "I love you."

  "Good Morning, my handsome Sethy. I love you too," she said.

"Come on Emma. I'll get your things and get them out to the boat. Okay?" I said. She nodded. I grabbed all our stuff and placed it in the boat. I went back inside to get my wife. I picked her up and carried her off of the threshold. So, I carried her on and off the threshold. I carried her to the boat and she held a bucket. I placed her in the passenger seat. I climbed in after her. I sped to Rio. but halfway through I stopped to pull the hair out of her face while she had another wave of morning sickness. I guess the waves in the water didn't help.

    "What can I do, babe?" I asked worriedly.

"Get to the docks before another wave hits." She said as she sat up.

    "Okay," I said as I sat at the wheel and started driving again.

    "Babe, is that Jake and Nessie?" Emma said.

"I don't know," I said looking at her. She looked exhausted. "Baby, you're exhausted. Sleep. We'll be there soon." I said with concern. She closed her eyes. She fell asleep. She looked peaceful and calm. I just kept focused. I saw someone who looked very familiar. It was Nessie with Jason Grace. Percy right beneath them riding a wave with no surfboard. Jason was flying without an airplane or a chopper. It was almost like he was levitating. He landed on our boat Percy landed beside him. I looked over at Emma. She woke up. Her face broke into a smile.

"Jason, Percy, Nessie, what's going on?" She said as she yawned. She looked over at me. I got up and helped her up. I wrapped my around her waists protectively and placed a hand on her tummy.

    "Nothing. Riley blew his whistle we appeared and he said to check on y'all but from what I can see you two are headed home. So we are here to take you to the docks. Percy?" Jason said.

    Percy nodded and went to the steering wheel and started to head to the docks again.

    "Babe... bucket," Emma said. I grabbed the bucket and handed it to her. She dry heaved and puked in it. I held her hair back and rubbed small circles on her back. She pulled her head up and groaned. I picked her up and carried her to the nearest seat. I sat in it and Jason followed me.

    "Are you okay, love-bug?" I asked worriedly. I worry when she does this. She nodded. She yawned and fell asleep on my chest. I kissed her head. We got to the docks and Jacob was standing there waiting with a worried expression on his face. He relaxed when he saw Renesmee. He smiled and looked at Jason and Percy.

"Thanks for watching Renesmee. You really helped a lot." He said.

    "Anytime, man. I think she enjoyed seeing Emma." Percy said. Jason smirked and went to grab our bags. Renesmee went to grab the bag that held our electronics and that was really heavy.

"Nessie, don't, love. Carlisle said not to pick up over 15 pounds. I'll get it." Jacob said.

    "You can get small things," I said as I went to pick up a bag with Emma in my arms still.

     "Seth, go stand on the dock. Getting your bags is what we're here for." Jason said.

    "Tyson, we need your help now brother," Percy said.

A cyclops on a waterhorse appeared in the water.
    "WHAT IS THAT?!" Jacob yelled.

     Jacob scared Emma awake. She had a scared expression on her face.

    "Hey Babe, may I walk around for a while?" She asked. I nodded and placed her on her feet.

"Thanks." She said. I nodded. I turned to Jacob.

    "Jake! Emmabeth was sleeping, man! Why did you yell, Jacob?!" I said.

    "Seth. I didn't mean to. I promise. It just happened. I'm sorry Emma." Jake said.

     "It's fine, Jacob. Don't worry about it." She said. She came over to me and rubbed my arm.

"Sethy, we should get to the airport," she said.

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