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I was standing in front of the hwarangs, along with master Wihwa, Wooreuk and Princess Sookmyung.

"What can the princess even do?" a hwarang suddenly asks. I tense up, scared about what was going to happen.

Sookmyung steps forward and pulls her sword, dropping the sheath behind her.

Twirling her sword around while moving her body smoothly she ended off with a jump in front of the same hwarang who asked the question and pointed her sword at him.

"That is what I can do." she says coldly before walking back to the front.

"I want everything to be perfect, make sure they perform well." she demands.

"Yes your majesty." Master Wihwa smiles.

Once Sookmyung left I was left in charge. I assigned a few hwarangs to be on instruments like drums and the rest were dancing.

The problem wasn't the instruments, the dancers were. Honestly Suho, Hansung, Jidwi and Yeowool but Banryu and Seonwoo kept bumping into each other and going the wrong direction. Poor Yeowool was caught up in their mess.

"Stop, stop." I say and they all stop. "Back line, you go right when they go left and left when they go right. Got it?" they nodded and continued.

Eventually, they got it perfectly and I was more than pleased. I stood up and started clapping. "Yayyyy! Good job you all did well. Tomorrow we will practice again, you're all dismissed." They bowed and left.

I had a nice shower and rested in my bed. "Why did Banryu seem so mad? I mean he always looks like that but, he seemed especially mad." I said to myself.

Aish, just go to sleep.

Suho POV

"She's so sweet and cute, I really like her." I swooned over Areum.

"What happened to nothing beats the queen?" Yeowool asks. I sighed.

"The queen is beautiful and cold, I guess Areum has a more approachable aura. That's why I like her. I'm just on the queen's side I guess." I shrugged.

"You really fell for her huh?" Jidwi chuckles. I nod.

"I wanna ask her out." I notice Banryu glaring at me and I look at him.

"What's your problem?" he looks away.

"Nothing, she'll probably reject you since you're a flirt."

I scoff, "She'll go out with me, we get along just fine and she seems happy with me. Plus what would you know? Do you talk to her?"

He tenses up but then shakes his head. "N-no, whatever I'm going to sleep."

I raise an eyebrow.

What's wrong with him?

Banryu POV

I was honestly confused. Soo yeon made my heart race but Areum made me feel comfortable. I do like Soo yeon a lot, she's precious and innocent but Suho would kill me if I even got near her. Areum also cared about me a lot but I didn't feel the same around her. Plus, Suho likes her.

I shut my eyes tight, wanting to escape from my thoughts.


Areum POV

It was the day of the performance and I was so nervous. What if the performance doesn't go well? What if the queen will get mad at me and hate me? Will she kill me like she did to my parents?

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