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Areum POV

My chest felt a pang of pain as I regained consciousness. I slightly moaned due to the soreness and I tried to sit up but someone was quick to gently lay me back down. "Don't get up yet, your wound hasn't healed yet." the familiar low voice said. "Banryu." I groaned. "Yes? Do you need anything? Are you hurting anywhere?" he started to ask me many questions.

I shook my head. "What happened?" my eyes adjusted to the light and I looked at him. "That stupid queen, you were shot with an arrow." Banryu said which made me furrow my eyebrows. "My mom, where's my mom?" "Don't worry, she's with my father." he said. I nodded. "Can you help me sit up? My back kinda hurts." I asked and he quickly came to my aid.

He handed me a glass of water which I gulped down in a matter of seconds. "You scared me, I thought I was gonna lose you." Banryu pouted. "Aish, you won't get rid of me that easily." I laughed. "We should speed up the plan, the queen is out to kill me. She'll take every chance she gets." I sigh. "Yeah, but don't worry. She won't hurt you, because I'll protect you." Banryu rested his hand on mine and I smiled at him.

"Thank you, love." Banryu's eyes widened and he slightly gasped. "L-love?" he stuttered. "What? You don't like it?" I joked but he abruptly shook his head. "N-no! I like it." I giggled at his cute behaviour. "That's good, love." his face reddened at my words which made me laugh more.

"Look at you, being all shy." I teased. "I'm not shy." he denied. "Whatever you say." I rolled my eyes. "Areum!" my mother stormed into the room and rushed to my side. "Are you okay? How are you feeling? Are you hungry?" she interrogated. "I'm fine, mother. What about you? How are you feeling?" I asked her and she sighed. "I'm so angry, I can't believe that woman is related to me." she scowled. "Me too." I muttered.

"Banryu, what about you? How are you feeling?" my mother suddenly asked him. "I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" he responded, slightly confused at my mother's concern.

"Aish, you know why. You haven't left this room since yesterday. You were up all night watching Areum. Did you even eat?" my mother pretty much exposed him, making him rub the back of his neck. "I-I did." he hesitantly spoke. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yah! You're wasting all your time taking care of me when you didn't even take care of yourself. I wasn't even conscious anyway, you didn't need to watch me all night." I scolded.

"Yes I did! What if you woke up and you needed something? What if you were in pain and needed me to call Ah-ro? What if you needed food?" Banryu argued. I scratch my head vigorously. "Aish, you spent too much time in the library with that book." I say. "H-huh? What do you mean?" Banryu questioned. "The book you were reading 'Being a good husband' I think it was." I chuckled. My mother started to laugh.

"Banryu, you really are a good husband." My mother reassured him. "I'll leave you two alone now. Let me know if you need anything." my mother bid goodbye.

"So you saw the book I was reading?" Banryu looked down in embarrassment. "Mhm, I thought it was cute." I grinned. "I'm bored here, let's go watch the hwarang- Yah!" I hit him on the shoulder which made him flinch.

"What was that for?" Banryu said loudly. "You're supposed to be in the hwarang house!" I shouted at him. "Forget it, I'll go back tomorrow. You shouldn't be going out right now anyway, you're still injured and the queen might-" Before he could finish his sentence I stood up and walked out the door.

"Yah! Wait for me!"


"Areum, m'lady." Master Wihwa bowed as I did the same. "How are you feeling? Shouldn't you be resting?" he says. "Thank you for your concern but I am feeling just fine." I smiled widely at him. "That's good to hear. Are you here to observe the hwarangs?" he asked. "Mhm, I thought it would be fun to see them." I spoke as I watched the hwarangs carefully as they practiced their swordsmanship. "I see Banryu is here as well." Wihwa bowed to the man who stood beside me. "Yeah, he'll be back in the hwarang house tomorrow." I tell him. "No pressure Banryu, you can come back anytime you want." Master Wihwa chuckled lowly at him and Banryu gave a small nod.

In the corner of my eye I saw a figure walk around the corner. I whipped my head towards the person and realized it was Princess Sookmyung. "It was nice visiting but I must leave now." I said quickly and hastily pulled Banryu with me.

"Shit, her bitch of a daughter comes here too. I forgot about that." I mumbled as I sat down on the bed in the medical room. "We have to be more careful around here." Banryu spoke.

I turned my head towards him. "Let's go to your father's house."


"Next week?" Master Youngshil questioned. "Mhm, we must do this quickly. We can't waste anymore time." I responded. "You're still injured Areum, we can't risk it." my mother reasoned but I refused. "I'm fine. I can speak, walk, run and fight. I'll be just fine. What do you say, Master Youngshil?" I turned my attention back to him.

He pondered on the suggestion for a while but then shrugged. "Alright, next week." he approved. "Great." I smiled. "However, you will keep your word right?" Youngshil questioned. "Of course Master Youngshil, I never break a promise." I smugly looked at him.


I laid in bed as I waited for Banryu. I stared into the ceiling as I thought of the stress and difficulties I've been through all this time. Suddenly the sound of the bedroom door sliding open brought me back to reality. Banryu walked to the other side of the bed and got under the duvet, beside me.

At first it seemed a little awkward since this was our first time sleeping together. All of a sudden I decided to break the tension and moved closer to him and cuddled him. I rested my head on his chest and I felt his heartbeat increase. He slowly wrapped his around my waist and started to relax. I closed my eyes as I felt calm, listening to his soothing heartbeat.

"I love you." I say. "I love you too." was the last thing I heard before drifting off into a deep slumber.

a/n: sorry this chapter is kinda short and boring, it's also just a filler chapter aha. i promise the next one will be more intense hehe.

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