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"Areum-ah!" a loud scream came from outside, waking me up from my deep sleep. I lazily dragged myself off my bed to open the door.

"Yah! Why do you always sleep so late?" Soo yeon scolds me as I roll my eyes playfully. 

"What did you come here for?" I ask. 

"I was bored, Ah-ro is working again so I couldn't hang out with her." I nod and welcome her in.

I got changed and walked to the dining area where Soo yeon was waiting.

"Do you want something to eat?" I ask, making her nod. I opened the small fridge only to see that there was barely any food. 

All that was left was a bowl of rice and a few pieces of raw fish.

Soo yeon noticed my face of concern and sighed. "Not enough food?" I slowly nodded. 

She gave me a small smile and put a hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, let's just go buy some food." I grab my pouch that holds my money and we make our way outside.


"So he's a hwarang?" Soo yeon questions. 

"Yep, he's so mysterious, when he spoke it was more like a whisper and he seemed quite emotionless." I explained. 

"How can you like him when he doesn't have any emotions?"

I stop and think for a moment. "I don't know but, he just made me feel butterflies in my stomach." I blush and Soo yeon chuckles.

"Someone's in love~" she chanted. 

"Yah! Stop it." I covered my face.

We went to go pay for the food but I realized I only had 4,000 won, which was nowhere near enough to pay off my meal.

"It's okay, I'll pay." Soo yeon smiled but I shook my head. 

"No, you've already paid for me before."

"Hey, you only have 4,000 won, if it makes you feel better you can pay me back later." I sighed but agreed and thanked her.

The whole day Soo yeon and I walked around the village and had long conversations. I was grateful to have Soo yeon as a friend. All these comforting talks and bonding filled the void that I was missing from my family.

We didn't notice that the sun had gone down because of how focused we were.

"Let's head back, it's late now." I say and she agrees.

Soo yeon's gaze switches to the side and I look at where she is looking. 

"What is it?" I ask. 

"It's my brother Suho, I should prank him since he's always messing around with me and always strangling me." she mischievously says.

I chuckle. "Go ahead and do it if you want."

Soo yeon POV (btw these following lines come from the drama)

I walk over to my brother slowly. "You see what it feels like." I smirk and grab this butt.

I laugh loudly. "HAHA! How does that feel? You always choke me, this is what you get."

The man turned around and instead of my brother it was someone else. His eyes were wide in shock. My jaw drops and I scream.

Everyone's attention turns to us and I freeze. Without thinking I cover my chest. "Why are you doing this to me?" I say.

"Did Master Banryu assault Miss Soo yeon?" a man out of the crowd says. 

"A Hwarang shouldn't do that. He openly grabbed her." another one says.

"I-I did w-what?" Banryu stuttered. 

"Actually-" I started but I was interrupted.

"Step aside! Move!" I hear my brother's voice emerging from behind. I slap Banryu and he holds his cheek while maintaining his shocked face.

"Banryu!" Suho grabbed Banryu by the collar. 

"What did you do to my sister?" he shouted. I put my hands together, silently apologizing.

"Tell me what this jerk did to you." Suho turns to me. 

"N-no that's not it he didn't-" Suho doesn't listen to me and puts his attention back to Banryu.

"You did that on purpose because you knew she was my sister!" Yeowool walks over, pulling Suho away. 

"Refrain yourself." Yeowool says calmly but Suho shrugs him off.

I tried to explain the situation once more. "Suho, the truth is-"

"Do not speak. I will take care of this, stay quiet." He then glares at Banryu.

"Banryu, I will kill you." He walks over to one of the tables and grabs an object. I gasp and quickly grab something myself.

Before he could hit Banryu and I wack Suho in the back of the head, knocking him out.

I scrunch my face. "Sorry." I then avert my eyes to Banryu and place a hand on the cheek that I slapped.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

Areum POV

I watched Soo yeon hold Banryu's face, concern and guilt written all over her face. I couldn't help but feel jealous. Oh how badly I wanted to be in her shoes for just that moment.


"Omo that was so embarrassing!" Soo yeon whined and I let out a stiff chuckle.

"I kinda feel bad for your brother." Soo yeon stopped and stared at me.

"Why? Banryu was the one who was humiliated." she explained. I shook my head and laughed.

"Well I mean you did knock him unconscious but alright." 

"I guess but he's my brother, I don't care. I just need to apologize to Banryu properly."

I sighed. "Why not write him a letter?" I suggested. 

She smiled, "That's a great idea! Thanks Areum-ah." she ran off without saying anything else.

"Wait where are you going..." I trailed off as I saw her run off.

I huffed.

Why am I feeling jealous? She's just going to apologize to him, that's it. I need to snap out of it.

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