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Today was the day we were leaving for Baekje but before I had to leave I wanted to clear things up with Soo yeon.

I woke up pretty early so that I could have enough time to talk to Soo yeon. I made sure to stay quiet and look out for anyone.

I successfully made it over the wall and I ran to Soo yeon's house. I knock on the door and a few seconds later someone opens it. Thankfully it was Soo yeon and not her father.

Her eyes were puffy and her face was pale. Guilt started to take over me. "S-Soo yeon, uh- are you okay?" I mentally facepalmed myself.

Why would you ask that dumbass, of course she's not okay.

She looked into my eyes and glared at me. "Does it look like I'm okay?" "Look Soo yeon, what you saw was a misunderstanding. He was worried that it wouldn't work out between you two but I convinced him otherwise. I just told him I'd be there for him to talk to but I never intended to take him from you. I promise." I held both her hands.

She looks up and smiles at me but then goes back to a serious face which scares me. "Areum, I want you to answer me honestly." I gulped. "What is it?" "Promise me that you'll be honest." I sighed and hesitantly nodded.

"Okay. Do you like Banryu?" My eyes widened at her question. Should I tell the truth? No- wait but you promised. Ugh! Just say no so she won't get hurt.

"N-no! Of course not!" She looked at me suspiciously. "Then who was that person who you bumped into? By the sound of it, you pretty much described Banryu." my hands started shaking. Shit she still remembers that?

"Oh- uhhh that w-was um J-Jidwi! Yeah, Jidwi." I mean he kind of had a cold personality didn't he?

Soo yeon gasped. "Omo! You like Jidwi?" "N-no! I mean I thought I did at first but I guess it was just a one time thing?" I lied. She nodded. "Thanks for clearing this up with me. Stay safe on your trip." she smiled and pulled me into a hug. I sighed in relief and hugged her back.

"You should talk to Banryu and say bye to him before we leave." she pauses for a moment. "O-oh, yeah I'll do that soon. You should get going. The sun is almost up and I don't want you to get in trouble." I nod and give her one last hug before leaving.

Once I got back to my little home I made sure to pack any essential items and brought my sword with me.

A few minutes later I made my way to the dining area to eat breakfast. I didn't want to sit at the same table as Banryu since it would be awkward. I spotted Hansung finally sitting with his roommates so I decided to sit with him instead.

"Hi Areum. Shouldn't you be sitting with Suho?" Hansung asks. "Why? You don't want me to sit with you?" I scoffed. "No! It's just that you usually sit with Suho."

"Yeah, you always do so why are you sitting here?" I hear Suho's voice from behind me and I sigh. "Yah! I can sit wherever I want and I want to sit here today." I answer and roll my eyes.

Suddenly I feel myself being pulled over. Suho sits me down at his table and places my food in front of me. "What was that for?" I whined. "It felt empty without you here. I didn't like it." Suho shrugged and I chuckled.

Unfortunately Banryu was sitting in front of me so I couldn't exactly eat properly since I was nervous. "Why aren't you eating." Jidwi asks. "O-oh, I'm not that hungry." I nervously smiled. "Eat more, we have to get going soon." Suho says and shoves a spoonful of rice in my mouth.


Banryu POV

After eating I was on my way to take a shower and get changed until I heard a small 'pssst.' I turn around and see Soo yeon leaning over the wall. I rushed over to her, relieved to see her.

"S-Soo yeon, what are you doing here?" I asked her. "Why? You still don't want to see me?" she pouts and I shake my head. "No! I'm happy you're here." she giggles and cups my face with her small hands.

"I wanted to say goodbye to you before you left. I'm gonna miss you." she says and gives me a peck on my lips. "I'm gonna miss you too but, aren't you mad at me?" I hesitantly asked. "Nope, Areum explained everything to me, sorry I overreacted and didn't let you explain." she sulked and I held her face.

"Don't apologize, I'm sorry I hurt you." She shakes her head. "Let's forget that this ever happened. You should get ready now. I love you." she smiles. "I love you too." I pull her into a kiss.


Areum POV

"Aish, I wonder how long this is going to take." I whine while I get on my horse. "Or even if we'll come back alive." Ah-ro says. "Yah! Don't say that."

We rode our horses in front of the princess and behind the four hwarangs. Banryu looks back at me and we make eye contact. I panic and look the other way.

Did Soo yeon talk to him? Is he still mad at me? I hope it won't be awkward between us. Omo, stop overthinking again. Aish why did I have to come?


Suho POV

I looked back at Areum and she looked stressed. "Aish, what is always on this girl's mind." I mumble to myself.

Areum POV

Maybe a few hours after our journey began we were suddenly stopped by a crowd of people. They had dirty and ripped clothes and didn't even have proper weapons. The hwarangs got off the horses and Suho and Banryu drew out their swords.

"Stop. Don't hurt them." Seonwoo says to Suho. "Why? They will steal our gifts and attack us." Suho swings his sword but is blocked by Jidwi. "He said don't. They don't even have proper weapons."

I looked around at the people but I suddenly saw someone who caught my eye. "Yah! You bastard they're thieves!"

"He said stop already." I said sternly and got off my horse without making eye contact with any of them. My eyes were only fixed on the one person who seemed oddly familiar to me.

As I got closer I got a better view of her face and eyes widened while tears started to build up.


a/n: oooo now the real tea starts haha. sorry for updating late i was kinda procrastinating hehe. anyways don't forget to comment and vote <333

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