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"How could you just become a Wonhwa?" Suho rushes up to me. "I couldn't just let Ah-ro become a Wonhwa. It's dangerous for her." "Well what about you? It's dangerous for you too!" Suho argued.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I shrugged and began to walk away but he placed himself in front of me. "Areum, no one just willingly becomes a Wonhwa. Don't you know the fate of a Wonhwa?" I simply nodded. "Then why? Areum, there needs to be a solid answer." I sighed.

"I don't think I should tell you." "Why? You can trust me." I scoffed. "You're loyal to the queen right?" I asked and he nods. "Well then I can't tell you." I say. "Areum please, I can't sit still knowing that you could get hurt." Suho pleaded.

I huffed. "Fine, but promise me that you won't tell anyone. Especially the queen." "Promise." he confidently says. "Alright. My parents were actually killed by the queen. We were caught stealing since we didn't have food, but you would think we'd just get thrown in jail right?" "Yeah, I guess so." Suho simply shrugged.

"Well, we tried to escape. Me and my brother did but my parents were caught. I came back to the palace to find my parents and I did, but at the worst timing. The queen killed them both." Suho's head shoots up. "Huh? Wouldn't they just lock them up? I mean, like leave them to die on their own?" "That's what I thought, but it turns out my mom was a Wonhwa."

"Your mom was a Wonhwa?" I nodded. "I'm guessing she escaped but as soon as the queen got the chance, she killed her off. Along with my father." I added. "I'm sorry to hear that, but Areum you could get killed." Suho tried to persuade me once again.

"If I die getting justice for my family, so be it." I affirmed. "I guess there's no stopping you huh?" Suho chuckled. "Yep. Suho please don't mention this to any of the other hwarangs. I'm trusting you and Seonwoo. Got it?" "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." he pats my back.


"Areum are you dumb?" Ah-ro exclaimed. "Yah! I pretty much saved your life and you're not going to even thank me!" I scoffed. "Why should I thank you when you're pretty much putting your life on the line for me!" "Of course you should thank me. As you said, I'm sacrificing my life for you." I say.

"Plus, I'm doing this for my mother. This is the only way I can get a hold of the queen." I added and Ah-ro rolled her eyes. "Areum, you're going to get killed." "That's fine." Ah-ro slaps me on the arm. "Ow! What was that for?" I shrieked. "You really are stubborn." Ah-ro sighed and I laughed. "Indeed I am."

Banryu POV

I walked into the courtyard with the other hwarangs and stood in my usual spot. I noticed that a royal guard stood beside Master Wihwa instead of Areum. My face turned into a confused expression as Master Wihwa began to speak.

"As you may have noticed, Areum is not with us today. From now on she won't be a teacher for you guys as she has more important matters to attend."

Huh? Like what? Why did she leave so suddenly?

"Anyways, we will continue our usual training without her." "Master Wihwa, what important matters did Areum have to attend?" a hwarang raised his hand.

"That is something I cannot tell you, if you wish to know you can ask her yourself." Master Wihwa responded before walking back up to his usual spot.

Areum POV

I sat still as the servants applied makeup on my face and did my hair. I was dressed in a red fitted dress, it was quite uncomfortable since I was used to wearing loose and flowy hanboks.

"The queen would like to see you." a servant approached me. I stood up and walked over to the queen. "You will be princess Sookmyung's wonhwa, she will have a hwarang by her side of her choice. It is yours and the hwarang's job to keep the princess safe. Do you understand?" Queen Jiso instructed strictly. "Yes, your highness." I bow.

"Very good, the princess will arrive soon."


"I thought Ah-ro was going to be my Wonhwa?" Princess Sookmyung questioned when she saw me. "I believed she wouldn't be a good fit, so I took her place." I responded. The emotionless girl sighed. "Alright."

"I will be choosing a hwarang, you must come with me." Sookmyung says. "Yes, your majesty." We made our way to the courtyard to where the hwarangs were training. The royal guard ordered them to stop.

They faced the front where Sookmyung and I were standing. Eyes widened as they saw me.

"I am here to choose a personal hwarang. Someone to stay by my side and protect me. Areum has volunteered to be my wonhwa who will also protect me." The princess announced. "If you wish to become my hwarang, raise your hand." There was a short pause as the atmosphere was filled with silence.

Suddenly Seonwoo raises his hand which makes everyone gasp. Suho then puts his hand up confidently. Jidwi follows after but the person who I was most shocked about.


Princess Sookmyung chuckles. "Seonwoo, I will choose you since you were the first to volunteer." I see Banryu silently scoff and roll his eyes.

Seonwoo comes up to the front beside me. "That is all, you may continue your training." the princess says and walks off with Seonwoo and I behind her.

Banryu POV

"Banryu, I didn't expect you to volunteer." Yeowool grinned. "Shut up." I pointed at him and he raised his arms in defence. "Hmm, alright."

"Yeah, why did you volunteer? I thought you didn't want to be a 'dog' to the queen or anything near that?" Suho interrogated. "Stop asking questions." I snarled.

"Was it perhaps Areum was there?" Hansung smirked. I choked on my own spit and started coughing. "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Why would he do it for Areum? He's the one that hurts her." Suho muttered but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Huh? What did you do?" Jidwi questioned. "I didn't do anything, just shut up." I sneered. "He's blaming Areum for my sister's disappearance. I can't believe she liked you just to get hurt in return you bastard." Suho glared at me.

"I doubt Areum would do anything like that." Hansung sighs. I was fed up with everyone, especially Suho. I stormed out the room and slammed the door behind me.

"Aish, what a heartbreaker." Yeowool mumbles before lying back down in his bed.

Areum POV

I was escorted to my new room. "The queen says you may grab any belongings you need from where you used to stay." Mo Young tells me.

We bowed to each other and I made my way to my old dorm. "Areum." a small but low voice called out to me. My expression turned confused when I turned to see who's voice it belonged to.

"Banryu?" He approaches me slowly. "Why did you become a Wonhwa?" he asked with his low tone. "Why does it matter to you?" I snapped.

"I just asked you a question, no need to get defensive." he maintained an expressionless face. "Defensive? You pretty much called me a liar and pushed me away earlier and now you suddenly care?" I scoffed.

"Just answer my question." he raises his tone slightly. "No." I roll my eyes and continue walking.

Banryu POV

I watched her walk farther and farther away from me and I let out a sigh of frustration.

You're right, I pushed you away and hurt you. I'm supposed to hate you but why do I care about you?

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