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"Oh Banryu? Why the sulky face?" Kang Sung teased. I rolled my eyes at his arrogant attitude. "Are you planning to beat Suho up again?" "Go away." Kang Sung raises his hands. "Alright, alright mr. arrogant." I slam my hands on the table, not being able to handle his annoying ass.

He chuckles before leaving. I exhale sharply.

Idiots surround me everywhere.

Kang Sung POV

It came to my attention that Banryu was looking rather frustrated. I looked in the direction where he was staring. The huge crowd surrounded Suho who also had a girl by his side.

"Excuse me, me and my girlfriend would like to get a drink. Please move out of the way." Suho says loudly. Banryu's facial expression falls into an enraged one.

He must like her, who is she?

Areum POV

"How do you deal with all of this?" I ask Suho as I take a sip of alcohol. "What do you mean?" "Like all the attention, the girls, the screaming. Isn't it overwhelming or annoying?" Suho shrugs.

"I've gotten used to it." I scoff. "True, I mean you've pretty much dated every girl in Silla." Suho stares at me and I gulp. "Oh uh, sorry." "Is that how you think of me? As a player?" Suho asks. "W-well, I mean yeah?" I stutter, not wanting to upset him.

"Fair enough." he simply responds. "Don't you feel bad? Like you're breaking all these girls hearts." I question. "Not really, I mean I didn't exactly love them. However, I think I have found someone who makes me want to change. She's the one who I love." I felt intrigued by his words.

"Omo, who is it?" I excitedly ask. Suho stares at me before speaking.



I stared at my ceiling while my thoughts ran wild.

Me? Did I hear right? He loves me? Aish, why'd you run away? He's probably sad now. You're so stupid Areum.


"You." I choked on my own spit when I heard him. "Oh- are you okay?" Suho pats my back gently. "U-uh, sorry I gotta go." I get out of my seat and run out the room.

I ran into my house and rushed to my room. "Oh, Areum how was it-" My mother asked but I already slid my door closed.


"Areum? Are you okay?" My mother softly says as she enters my room. I sit up and nod. "Yeah." "You can talk to me. What happened?" I take a deep breath. "Don't worry about it ahjumma. I'm fine." I put a smile on my face to reassure her. She smiles back and leaves the room.

-Time Skip-

"Ahjumma, I'm leaving now!" I called out to her. "Alright, stay safe sweetie." she responds. "I left some money in the drawer, in case you want to buy any food or clothes." I told her.

"Aish, you do too much for me." I shake my head. "Ahjumma, you're family to me now. It's not a big deal." She pulls me into a hug which I return. "Thank you, you should get going now. See you in a week." I wave goodbye to her and walk to the hwarang house.

"Ahhh, good morning Areum" Master Wihwa greets me. "Good morning Master Wihwa." I bow. "Aigoo, those hwarangs really can't get up on time. Do you mind waking them up?" I was quite shocked that he wanted me to wake them up but I agreed.

All the hwarags seemed to be waking up fast when they realized I was the one to wake them. A girl in the dorms seemed quite odd. I entered the last dorm which had Suho, Banryu, Yeowool and Jidwi in it.

"Wake up!" I announced. No one seemed to budge. I rolled my eyes and went over to each bed. I pulled their blankets away but most of them didn't even care or just pulled the blanket back up. I took a wooden stick from the stand that was nearby and hit it against each of their beds.

"Yah! Wake up before I drag you out of your beds!" I yelled banging loudly on the wood. The men shuffled and groaned.

"Areum? Why are you the one waking us up?" Yeowool asked as he rubbed his eyes. "Don't ask and just get up." I responded.

They all were starting to fall back asleep but I wasn't gonna let it slide. "If all of you don't get up right now I'm gonna make sure you do 100 laps while carrying Master Wihwa." Suddenly all five of them scrambled out of bed and rushed out the door.

Aish those jerks.


I stood there with my tray of food, wondering where to sit. I obviously didn't want to sit where Suho was, plus Banryu was there too. Hansung would probably question me so much so maybe I shouldn't sit with him.

I sat at the farthest table from Suho's. "Oh Areum, why are you sitting here?" one hwarang asks me. "Don't question it, just eat." I say coldly.

I finished my food quickly so I wanted to practice my bow and arrow skills, I was teaching the hwarangs that anyway.

I got on my horse and began shooting my arrows. Most of them hit the bullseye, not all of them. Archery wasn't my strongest skill but I had a decent knowledge, with enough practice I could probably get better at it.

I didn't notice how much time had passed, I was so intrigued at how good I was getting at archery, every arrow hitting the bullseye. The hwarangs watched me in awe, many of them probably didn't even know how to shoot an arrow. Beside them were their mentors (a/n: i don't remember what they were actually called so imma just call em mentors but if u know just comment what they're actually called ahaha.)

"Oh, sorry I didn't notice the time. Anyways, get on a horse and we can start." I instructed them. I observed them sharply, a lot of them were doing a decent job, some not so much. Ahem Seonwoo.

He could barely balance himself on the moving horse, he had no aim and the arrow went anywhere but the target, not even hitting the board.

You're the king yet you don't know how to do something this simple?

I scoffed and went up to Dan Se who was Seonwoo's mentor. "He just isn't getting it." Dan Se sighed. When Seonwoo came back around I gave him some advice.

"Seonwoo, try drawing the arrow with your thumb so you'll have more control but also have good timing. Turn in your left knee toward the horse and your right should point away from the horse so you'll have a better balance. Go again." he nods timidly before going again.

This time his arrow actually hit the board and he wasn't nearly falling back from his horse. We practiced for another hour before I dismissed them all.

Kang Sung POV

"So Areum is a teacher for the hwarangs? Interesting." I mumbled to myself. I wanted to start a conversation with her, try to find a little more about her. I ran up to her and tapped on her shoulder.

"Areum, right?" She turns to me and nods. "Yes, do you need anything?" I smiled at her. "Nothing, I just haven't seen you around before until now. You live in Silla?" I asked her. "Yeah, I just didn't go out much." she responded plainly.

Hm, she doesn't seem to talk much.

"I'm Kang Sung by the way." I stuck my hand out to shake hers. She reluctantly shook my hand and quickly pulled her hand back.

"I've gotta go now, nice meeting you." She gathers her things and walks off.

Tough one huh?

Banryu POV

I watched from afar Kang Sung talking to Areum. What is that moron doing?

I saw how hesitant and skeptical Areum was when talking to him. I was about to approach them until Areum walked off, leaving Kang Sung.

I'm going to kill that bastard.

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