"Now, careful, careful- Jace! I said careful!!" Clary exclaimed as she helped him out of the car.They had just arrived home from the hospital, and he was already taking things way too fast.
"Clary, I was only in a coma for a couple of days- I didn't break both of my legs. I can walk perfectly fine!" Jace retorted, rolling his eyes as Clary continued to wrap an arm around his middle to guide him into the house.
"We still don't know if your "perfectly fine" yet, genius. You're lucky we're even allowed to bring you back home after that ordeal." She mumbled, but she couldn't keep the smile off of her face as Jace raised both of his brows at her.
"Let's just get you inside, you big baby." She grinned, opening the door.
Once the door had opened, Jace cupped both of his hands around his mouth to suddenly holler out; "I'm not dead yet!" into the silent house while Clary hit his chest playfully.
"Shh! We're still running a business here, no shouting your head off until after we lock you into a room by yourself, lunatic." She scolded, but it didn't exactly have much affect as she was laughing while the words left her mouth.
Jace chuckled before he stepped out of Clary's hold. He walked into the living room and fell into the couch with a sigh.
He rested his hands behind his head comfortably, watching with mild amusement as Clary placed a foot rest near his feet as well as a heavy weighted blanket on the couch.
"Clary," he started but she shushed him, instead placing the blanket over his lap.
"Clary," he said again, but she was busy making sure he was comfortable. "Clary!" He exclaimed, huffing out a laugh. "I'm okay, I really don't need any of this stuff- I'm fine." Jace assured her, grabbing her hand tightly.
"I- ...I know." She whispered lowly. She started to blink rapidly, using her hair to cover her face as she did so. Jace frowned, before he realised with a surprised jolt that she was actually crying quietly.
"Hey," Jace whispered softly, "What's wrong?" He asked, motioning for her to sit beside him. Clary sat down next to Jace instantly, curling into his side as she did so.
Tears began to pour from her eyes rapidly as Jace cradled her cheek, listening to her sniffle. He wiped away the tears gently with the pad of his thumb, holding her close to him.
"It's okay, Clary. I'm okay now, see? Perfectly healthy." He whispered into her ear, feeling a pang of guilt run through his heart as her faint sobs turned into tiny cries.
"I was so scared, Jace." She croaked, clinging onto his shirt. "I really thought I had lost you."
Jace frowned as Clary continued to sob, trying to muffle the sound with her hand. He pried it away from her face gently, before enveloping her in a tight hug.
He continued to hold her until she had calmed down enough to the point where all that was left were her small hiccups, and then he continued to hold her until she finally fell asleep in his arms peacefully.
But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't avoid the extreme sense of guilt he felt as he stared at her tear-stricken face.
* * *
"I need to find out who returned all of those letters." Jace said to Isabelle, crossing his arms over his chest. His brows were furrowed as he gazed out of the window, sighing through his nose heavily.

Do you Remember me?
FanfictionClary and Jace, highschool sweethearts, soulmates, soon to be husband and wife- have it all. A perfect, happy life with each other full of love... until Jace gets into a car crash and loses his memory. Will fate bring them together? Or will his ne...